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A Slap on the Wrist with a Very Well Soaked Bus Ticket

As was predicted Golriz Ghahraman has pretty much got of ‘scotties’ free. Yes she now has a conviction, that’s about the only good news. She was fined just $1600 plus $260 court costs. She attended in her costume Palestinian tea towel showing utter contempt for the whole process.

Her once-promising political career now in tatters, former Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman endured another blow this afternoon as she stood in an Auckland courtroom to be sentenced for shoplifting nearly $9000 worth of retail items from high-end stores.

Judge June Jelas denied the 43-year-old former barrister’s request for a discharge without conviction, decreasing her odds of being allowed to revive her legal career after a seven-year hiatus prompted by her ascension to Parliament.

Ghahraman, who was allowed to sit in the courtroom gallery rather than the dock, lowered her eyes and looked towards a supporter as the decision was announced.

The judge imposed fines totalling $1600 and court costs of $260. Supervision was not imposed.

NZ Herald

The harshest part of her sentencing is that she now has a conviction entered against her name, probably meaning an end to any desire on her part to go back lawyering on behalf of genocidaires.

But cop this lot from her interview with the clown John Campbell at TVNZ:

Ghahraman told TVNZ this afternoon she shoplifted because she wanted to get out of politics.

“The self-sabotage was to get out,” she said.

“If I’d actually sat down and processed the fact that I needed to get out, I would have done things differently and that is my great regret. Like, to have actually caused other people stress and harm, because I couldn’t stop and go, ‘well, actually, if there’s something wrong with you, get help or quit’, which is what I should have done.”

She told TVNZ she didn’t get joy out of the crimes.

“It was just shame, shame, the whole time.”

She said she knew she was heading towards self-destruction.

”What the hell was I doing? I wasn’t unaware that I was doing something bad.”

NZ Herald

It would’ve been very easy to get out without stealing – don’t stand in the last election.

Yeah right, so she couldn’t just resign, like a normal person?

This is just a continuation of her pathological need to tell fibs, from her claims of being shelled in Mashhad, 900km from the border with Iraq, and a city that was never attacked during the Iran-Iraq War, to her embellished CV, to her happy photo standing next to a Rwandan genocidaire.

It is self-serving rubbish and just more pathetic excuses.

But in her soppy interview with pearl clutching and hand wringing John Campbell she said something incredible.

“I have a tendency to build a house then burn it down.”

Golriz Ghahraman

Who would EVER employ her after that?

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