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Mandate this! Cartoon credit Boomslang. The BFD.

Imagine playing against a team that was split, inferior, and that had no clear strategy.

And you still lose.

Imagine also that the team says that you cheat and don’t play fair.

And to prove them right you go ahead and cheat and play unfairly.

And you still lose.

In this case, you would be the New Zealand government.

I’m pretty sure that a Speaker of the House cannot order the police to remove protesters from public property, the parliament grounds, without good reason and with there being no serious repercussions.

I’m also sure that standing around with signs isn’t a “good reason” to be forcibly removed.

Yet last Thursday that’s exactly what the Speaker of the House, channelling his inner Mussolini, did. Would he have done the same thing if the anti-mandate protest was a BLM protest or a Climate Change protest? Hell no, he would have been out there waving at them and giving them the thumbs up.

Still, you can’t be surprised at Mallard’s handling of the situation. Tyrants are by definition incompetent; otherwise they would not be tyrants. But at least he never ordered the police to use pepper spray or at least didn’t look on while they did. Oh, wait …

I think that Mallard ordered the police to use any force necessary because it’s the only “excuse” I can think of for the way the cops have acted.

By the way, after handcuffing someone, to get someone to their feet you’re meant to roll them up to a sitting position and assist them to stand, not wrench them up by their arms.

But hey, let’s be fair. It’s not only the government that has made a spectacular own-goal but also the MSM, who have proven yet again beyond a reasonable doubt that they have been bought and paid for and are nothing more than the propaganda arm of the government.

Had the MSM reported the Springbok Tour protests the same way as they have done with the anti-mandate protests it would have gone something like this… “Anti-social protesters today occupied the rugby field where a game between the All Blacks and the Springboks was to be played. Rugby fans say they are fed up with the protesters’ actions. Transport from the game was also disrupted…”

The above photo features a chalk drawing of a Hindu Surya. The MSM reported it as being a swastika, knowing full well it isn’t, in a highly offensive and blatant attempt to associate an unspeakable evil with the anti-mandate protests. Just when you thought the MSM couldn’t get any lower.

According to the MSM, the anti-mandate protest is a “copycat” protest. So let me see if I understand this. If a protest is one that the MSM supports, such as BLM or Climate Change, the correct terminology to use is “inspired by”. And if it is a protest that the MSM does not support then the correct terminology is “copycat”. Glad to have that cleared up.

Of course, it’s not only the government and MSM that have scored own goals but also other politicians.

Christopher Luxon has shown that National just wants to be a “better” version of Labour. Unbelievably, David Seymour has come out against the protests. ACT claims to be a libertarian party, which I suppose is true except for when it comes to freedom of movement, freedom to protest, the right to refuse medical treatment, etc. But hey, apart from all that, ACT is libertarian one hundred per cent!

The only politician that has come out batting for the anti-mandate protesters has been Winston Peters. Personally, I don’t trust Winston as far as I can throw him and regard him as having the morals of a three-dollar hooker. But so far he’s the only politician that actually gets it.
