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A Suggestion for Bored Political Journoes

Investigative journalism. The BFD.

Sir Bob Jones

A problem facing political journalists is finding something fresh to say, the operative word being fresh. For example, a bad policy can only be condemned so many times.

Thus, something like the Uffindel nonsense, namely he being booted out of school aged 16, is given World War 3 treatment. I doubt the public share this despicable shock-horror beat-up being promoted by some bored journoes. This sort of vile journalism explains the reluctance of people to put their hand up for public office, evidenced by the lack of candidates for the forthcoming local body elections.

Here’s a suggestion for journoes. Why not show the human face of our MPs? For example, list their recreational interests to give the public a view of their human side.

Take Jerry Brownlee, in his younger days a noted pole vaulter. I’m told he’s now given this up and substituted the hop, step and jump for his week-end recreation.

The Greens could be a problem as apart from the nasty little turd Ricardo Menendez March, it’s hard to imagine any of them partaking in physical activities. Menendez March however, not so. No problem envisaging him pixie dancing with like-minded chaps. Mind you, the Greens leader James Shaw absolutely screams line-dancer, so too Labour’s David Parker.

The Nats deputy leader Nicola Willis is a keen skate-boarder, this a family tradition, her parents Shona and James both being outstanding exponents in their younger days.

Nanaia Mahuta’s recreational interest is obvious, namely competitive volume eating.

I don’t know if she’s still at it, but Judith Collins took up boxing a couple of years back, perhaps influenced by Joseph Parker being her nephew. A bout between Judith and say Willie Jackson would be a big draw-card although perhaps wisely, I suspect Willie wouldn’t be in it.

Stuart Nash and Melissa Lee are both enthusiastic deep sea divers and so it goes.

Then there’s hobbies. The Greens Eugenie Sage reportedly has a 3000 strong beer label collection, Andrew Little is an established authority on 18th Century Moldovan pottery, Chris Bishop a keen ballroom dancer and Speaker Trevor Mallard, by all accounts, a highly capable poet.

It would certainly be a refreshing change were one of our political writers to detail MPs recreational interests and show their human side.

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