Sir Bob Jones
Some time ago I predicted more books would be written about Trump than any other President. With circa 5,000 published to date, he’s currently in second place, although well behind Lincoln with 15,000.
However, astonishing though it may seem, the production of new Trump “tell-all” books is higher than ever before. There’s a good reason for that, namely as fast as they’re produced, they rocket out of the book shop doors, which has been a huge boon for the publishing business.
Given that all of them state the obvious, namely that Trump’s a disgrace to humanity, one would think the market is sated by now, but apparently not so. Trump gaining the Presidency, despite his utter appallingness and unsuitability on every count, remains a constant fascination. So if he lives another decade my original proposition should eventuate and he will pass Lincoln in the book stakes.
While writing an anti-Trump book is a sure-fire big money winner for impoverished journalists, nevertheless as is their wont, they miss the even greater opportunity to earn serious many millions of dollars.
That is to target the totally ignored pro-Trump market, numbering circa 40-50 million, and produce a pro-Trump book. I say produce rather than write as with this lot, obviously, it would have to be substantially pictorial and light on text, this in large type-face.
Apart from bookshops a pro-Trump pictorial book would fly out the door if sold on hot dog stalls, to Southern states’ Christian nutters, anti-vaccine gatherings, low-life bars, and other non-book outlets patronised by Trumpites.
The pleasant American convention of establishing post term Presidential libraries raises interesting concepts with Trump. As it’s indisputed that he’s never actually read a book, on face value best then for him to ignore it, but therein lies another waiting-to-be-exploited commercial opportunity. That is to establish a solely Trump book lending library in Trump-loathing New York.
This would enable gratification to readers desirous of satisfying their addictive yearning for his vilification but dodging the embarrassment of his name on a title polluting their own home book shelves.
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