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A Test of Principle for our Caste Society

Most of us are buffoons for free. Kyle Sandilands gets paid for it, the lucky bugger.

As I wrote recently, I don’t care that Justin Trudeau dressed in blackface, any more than I did Megyn Kelly, or that people were offended by tweets from Roseanne Barr or James Gunn. What I do care about, though, are the double-standards of those who demand that the one be sacked, un-personed, and digitally tarred-and-feathered, while the other is allowed to offer a mealy-mouthed apology and move on, unscathed.

In the same way, I don’t care that Kyle Sandilands Instagrammed something offensive about the Virgin Mary. I do care about the yawning double-standards of those who forced the sacking of Israel Folau for his tweets and tried to force the sacking of Alan Jones for saying something offensive about Jacinda Ardern.

Protesters are claiming double standards in the case of Kyle Sandilands and sacked rugby star Israel Folau, after the KIIS FM radio host escaped with an apology for calling the Virgin Mary “a liar who was knocked up behind a camel shed”.

Sandilands’ Instagram video post has subsequently been ­deleted. But the comments drew heavy criticism, prompting Sandilands, who is host of Sydney’s most popular FM breakfast show, to apologise.

Like Justin Trudeau, Sandilands is apparently allowed to grudgingly apologise and move on. Try to imagine if he’d said something similar about homosexuals, or Muhammad.

Folau was sacked by Rugby Australia in May after he posted “biblical teachings” on Instagram and Twitter. The controversy triggered­ a national debate over ­religious freedom.

But, Folau is a devout Christian. Sandilands is not only obviously anti-Christian, but was a very vocal cheerleader for gay marriage. For that, Kyle gets immunity.

Even if he violates not just his employer’s code of conduct but also the ethical guidelines for media.

Protesters gathered outside KIIS FM are reported to have prayed for Sandilands and demand­ed a more sincere apology.

“We live in a country that has double standards, because in the commercial code of conduct […] (it) states that a radio station cannot offend, discriminate against ­religion, sex, gender,” protest leader Georgie Clark was reported as saying.

“Rugby Australia have the same code of conduct and he (Folau) got sacked for quoting something he didn’t even write.”

Here’s the thing: Sandilands is a buffoon. It’s practically his job description to say stupid things and get up peoples’ noses, just as it’s Alan Jones’ job is to be controversial (and by all accounts, both are apparently quite personable in real life). They do it well and get paid a lot of money for it. Half their luck.

Probably more offensive than anything Sandilands has ever said.

But, if a devoutly Christian footballer is going to have his feet held to the fire for “offending” homosexuals (not one gay I know actually was offended), why is an anti-Christian shock-jock not meted the same punishment for offending Christians?

Because, as it should be screamingly obvious to anyone who’s followed the news for the past decade or so, the West is now a caste society. The elite may not be offended at any cost, while the untouchables can be mocked and vilified, with impugnity. Even the mass-murder of these untouchables barely raises a ripple of concern among the media-political elite.

Guess which caste Christians are relegated to?
