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A WARNING to Retailers about the latest Australian Women’s Weekly Cover #TurnArdern

The BFD.

The following e-mail was sent out this week to retailers who sell magazines…


Australian Women’s Weekly
Jacinda Ardern Cover

You may have been made aware of a group of people making their way in to various retail outlets and turning around copies of the latest Australian Women’s Weekly issue.

Some are completely clearing pockets and hiding the magazines in other areas of the store.

Please look out for this and restore copies to stands so you aren’t missing out on sales.
If you have any questions or you aren’t able to locate the issue on shelves please contact
[ redacted] (09) XXX XXXX

It appears that the practice has gone viral if these tweets are anything to go by.

The hashtag, #TurnArdern, is currently trending in New Zealand on Twitter – with one of the top trending videos showing stacks of magazines featuring Ardern on the cover being picked up and hidden from sight.
“It’s been a tough day out in the field,” the video, posted on Saturday by a self-declared “Trump supporter”, is captioned. “I only hope our other operatives have been equally successful with operation #TurnArdern.”

