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A Muslim woman carrying an antisemitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Some years ago, the ABC featured neo-Nazi Blair Cottrell on one of its interminable “panel discussions”. ABC management purported to be so concerned by what Cottrell might say, that they put the program on a ten-second delay.

Fast-forward a few years, and they’re giving “pro-Palestine” advocates a national stump to gibber anti-Semitic stuff that would make Cottrell blink.

Australia Palestine Advocacy Network president Nasser Mashni has described the pro-Israel crowd at Melbourne’s Caulfield on Friday night as a “baying mob of Australian Jews … as if it was like a West Bank settler pogrom of clearing a village, reclaiming the dirt”.

The protest saw violent clashes between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protesters in Caulfield, an area with a high Jewish-Australian population […]

He said pro-Palestinian protesters had gathered to “pray, to chant some anti-racism chants”.

Such as Hamas’ genocidal war-cry, “From the River to the Sea”.

As well, many “pro-Palestine” protesters have been brandishing the Hamas image of dumping Jews in a rubbish bin, to “clean the world”.

A Muslim woman carrying an anti-Semitic sign in Melbourne. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
On the topic of the Caulfield protest, former Australian ambassador to Israel and erstwhile Liberal MP for Wentworth Dave Sharma called out Foreign Affairs Minister Penny Wong, accusing political leaders of “failing to call out” anti-Semitism “as clearly as they should”.

“Penny Wong was asked about these protests in Caulfield, said that it was good that they apologised,” Mr Sharma said. “Well, yes, it was good that they apologised but it shouldn’t have happened.”

Mr Sharma was referring to how the organisers of the pro-Palestinian protest had apologised for holding the event near the Caulfield synagogue and that the incident led to the synagogue’s evacuation.

Note that their only “regret” was the bad optics of attacking Jews outside a synagogue on the anniversary of Kristallnacht.

Sharma was also over Wong’s pathetic, pandering efforts at moral equivalence.

“She also said we shouldn’t be seeing any Islamophobia either,” Mr Sharma said. “I wasn’t aware that there were any anti-Islamic sentiments expressed in Caulfield on that night. If there were, I condemn them as well.

“But when the line is crossed here, it’s not, there’s fault on all sides here, we need to call out the party that is crossing that line.”

The problem is that it’s the same party that votes for Labor and the Greens. So of course the left Establishment is backing the violent anti-Semitic mob, rather than productive, peaceful, law-abiding Jewish Australians.

Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council chair Mark Leibler drew a distinction between the tone of pro-Israel and pro-Palestine events in Australia.

“When you look at the Jewish protests … they are praying for the release of the captives,” he said. “They are singing the Israeli national anthem in solidarity with the Israelis.

“Now, look at the pro-Palestinian rallies and, bear this in mind, the first rallies and particularly the one that caused all the problems in Sydney, was before Israel had been anywhere near Gaza … ‘Gas the Jews. F … the Jews’.

“Do you see Jews walking around with banners saying, ‘Destroy Hamas’? They don’t do it. This is not something which is in line with Jewish tradition.

“What do the Palestinians do? Whether it’s 9/11 or 7th of October, they hand out lollies and they celebrate when people are hacked to death.

“I don’t know. That happens to be a fact. That’s reality.”

It’s the brute fact which gives the lie to the left’s horking, idiot-seal chorus of “innocent Palestinian civilians”.

People who dance and cheer at the sight of the mutilated, raped corpses of Israeli girls are hardly “innocent civilians”. No more than the ecstatic crowds who chanted “Heil Hitler” in the Berlin streets in the 1930s.
