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Aborted Baby Parts Sold for Science & Profit

Image credit: The Daily Signal

Our government is busily decriminalising abortion while in California Planned Parenthood is busy harvesting and selling foetal body parts for profit.

It is no surprise to find the Planned Parenthood website misleading. It describes itself as a non-profit organisation with the following mission statement.

“Planned Parenthood is a trusted health care provider, an informed educator, a passionate advocate, and a global partner helping similar organizations around the world. Planned Parenthood delivers vital reproductive health care, sex education, and information to millions of people worldwide.”

Planned Parenthood Website

Really, they should change their name to “Deferred Parenthood”. Lots of healthy happy young women feature on their website, but no babies, because their core business is to prevent them from being born.  Their name is a misnomer, parenthood is not their business at all, they are charlatans.

Because the foetus is not human in their eyes but merely human tissue, it’s a small step to killing it and another small step to harvesting it for profit.

The man who secretly filmed Planned Parenthood and exposed their lucrative body part industry is American pro-life activist David Daleiden.

“Daleiden is potentially facing more than a decade in prison as the state of California proceeds with prosecuting him for more than 15 felonies related to his undercover filming of abortion-industry workers at conferences, restaurants and at work in their facilities.

Although the federal courts have halted the release of additional videos by Daleiden’s Center for Medical Progress, those previously released in 2015 show Planned Parenthood officials “haggling” over prices paid by research firms for aborted fetuses and the altering of abortion techniques to produce more “intact specimens” to make them of greater value to those firms.

In one video featuring, Planned Parenthood official Dr. Mary Gatter said the organization could use a “less crunchy technique [than suction abortions] to get more whole specimens.” While asserting that “the money is not the important thing for me,” she went on to joke, “I want a Lamborghini.”

It’s not cheap defending yourself against an industrial giant and Breitbart reports Daleiden’s legal fees will exceed $5 million. He faces 15 charges of felony in California.

“ […] we defeated a two-count felony and misdemeanor criminal case brought by the District Attorney of Harris County (Houston), Texas at the behest of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast. And another nasty civil case brought by a baby body parts broker, Stem Express, in Los Angeles was dismissed.

[…] Planned Parenthood has millions of dollars to spend on lawyers and lobbyists – and they’ll stop at nothing to silence David and prevent the truth from coming out.”


Abortion was decriminalised in the US in 1973 and it took 26 years for them to be aware of the potential for abuse. By 1999 foetal body parts was a million-dollar industry.

Researchers claim it’s a necessary evil, but others fear it may encourage some grim abuses.

Scientists depend on human body parts for research they believe may yield breakthroughs in a number of diseases, such as Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s, that affect millions of people.

But the public largely is unaware of the way the laundry list of body parts for scientific research is filled. Those who oppose using human flesh for research wonder if knowing the gruesome details would make a difference to those who support the practice.

Actual requests for body parts such as a “whole intact leg, including the entire hip joint,” come with special instructions that the body be dissected by “cutting through symphysis pubis (pubic bone) and include whole illium.” Additionally, a request may specify

the speed at which the dissection must occur – – in this instance, that the researcher would like the body part “to be removed from the cadaver within 10 minutes.” Finally, the scientists specify whether “abnormalities” are permitted and under what conditions a body part will be shipped (such as in wet or dry ice) and by what mode of transportation (usually one of the well-known overnight-delivery services).

Of more than 50 such requests, or “protocols,” submitted by scientists and reviewed for this article, none involved a deceased person more than 24 weeks old – three weeks older than a fetus who could survive outside the womb. The “whole intact leg” protocol described previously was requested by a scientist who needed four to six “specimens (leg and hip joints) per shipment” from aborted fetuses 22 to 24 weeks old.

Because the request called for the dissection to occur within 10 minutes of death, it is not difficult to imagine the required precision and speed of the dissection procedure occurring in a side room of an abortion clinic.

The men and women who perform these tasks are called ” technicians” and are employed by companies that retrieve body parts, also known as “harvesters,” such as the Anatomic Gift Foundation of Laurel, Md., and Opening Lines, headquartered in West Frankfort, Ill. These companies act as middlemen of sorts between the abortion clinic and the scientist. Because the sale of human tissue or body parts is prohibited by federal law, the traffickers have worked out an arrangement to expedite the process from which they all benefit and still remain within current interpretations of the law.

For instance, the harvesters receive the fetal material as a ” donation” from the abortion clinic. In return, the clinic is paid a “site fee” for rental of lab space where technicians, employed by the harvesters, perform as many dissections as necessary to fill researcher manifests. The harvesters then “donate” the body parts to the researchers and, rather than pay the harvesters for the actual body parts, “donate” the cost of the retrieval (a service) via a formal price list.

NLC Archive

17 years later, in 2016, US Republicans investigated the illegal sale of foetal body parts.

“According to Republicans involved in the investigation, a researcher paid a middleman procurement company $3,340 for a fetal brain, $595 for a “baby skull matched to upper and lower limbs,” and $890 for “upper and lower limbs with hands and feet.”

Daily Signal

Three years ago the brain, skull and limbs of an aborted baby fetched US$4,825. WHO estimates 40-50 million babies are aborted annually worldwide. Although the number of baby bodies sold for science is not known we can surmise it is lucrative, providing an enormous incentive to keep the industry going. Something to think about if we travel down the same path. NZ Family Planning belongs to Planned Parenthood International.
