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[The Good Oil] is the fastest-growing media organisation in New Zealand. Its brand of news, opinion, analysis and entertainment is finding fertile ground with an audience that is feeling abandoned by traditional news media.

Founded by Cam Slater, a multi-award winning blogger and journalist, most articles on the [The Good Oil] come from a centre-right political viewpoint, with constant analysis and commentary on political events. [The Good Oil] also breaks its own news, is a media commentator and provides other topics of interest and entertainment to its readers.

[The Good Oil] wears its opinions on its sleeve, allowing readers to be informed and entertained even though they may not even share the same position. [The Good Oil] allows comments from its readers, so any mistakes or excesses are quickly curbed.

Because of this, [The Good Oil] is also a community, with a vast network of people from all parts of the spectrum contributing and assisting in the effort.

If you are new to [The Good Oil], we ask you to pop in once a day for a week and see if it suits you.

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