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Absolutely Fabulous and Fantastic and Wow Wow Wow

Absolutely Fabulous. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

It’s all just absolutely fabulous. Fabulous and fantastic and wow wow wow.

The leader of the so-called opposition says that Jacinda’s meeting with President Biden was “absolutely fantastic”. “I think it’s absolutely fantastic that the Prime Minister of New Zealand has met with the President, it’s a really good thing,” Luxon told AM co-host Melissa Chan-Gree.

And Former United States ambassador to New Zealand Mark Gilbert told AM it’s “fabulous” the two leaders got to meet.

Absolutely Fabulous. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker. The BFD.

“I think it’s fabulous, any time we can get together to discuss the important issues of the day is fabulous,” Gilbert told AM co-host Ryan Bridge.

Newshub Political Reporter Amelia Wade, who is on the trip with Ardern and was in the Oval Office with the two leaders, said the Prime Minister will be “chuffed” with how the meeting went.

“Wow, wow, wow, what a journey to get here and what a meeting itself. Jacinda Ardern managed to walk out of that meeting with a number of commitments from the President of the United States,” Wade told Bridge.

“He wants to work with her on the Christchurch call, he also praised her leadership and he said he was really impressed with what she was doing with tech companies.

“He also praised New Zealand’s significant response to Ukraine …. so I think Jacinda Ardern will be well chuffed with how that went today.”

So, all that puff and chuffing nonsense in one MSM article. Just as well that at the end of the prattle there was someone with a sense of journalistic decorum and sanity. Massey University communications professor Ted Zorn thought the meeting was important for three reasons.

“I think these meetings are important at three levels. There is the symbolism of it, the substance of it and then there is the relationship between the two leaders and I think it’s important for all three of those reasons.”

Well chuffed’: Experts react positively to Ardern’s meeting with Biden in White House (

I do get it that the meeting was seen as an important one; however, she continues to pull the wool over the eyes of the media and disgracefully those of an old man with a disturbing penchant for public displays of affection with people he has no business touching. The leery behaviour of the President towards our fawning PM, however, was fabulous, fantastic, and wow wow wow. Wasn’t it?

A behavioural specialist and body language expert Suzanne Masefield analysed the footage of Ardern and Biden’s encounter and gave Newshub her thoughts.  

‘He would like to take charge’: Expert breaks down Biden, Ardern’s body language during White House meeting (

A lot of her observations had to do with whose foot pointed at whose (deeply significant) and it got even better when they were “Discussing the Pacific…Ardern touched her heart and created an ‘over-exaggerated’ smile as she reflected on her and Biden’s shared history. Both had relatives who served in the Pacific: Biden’s uncle and Ardern’s grandfather.” Oh please, a shared history?

And then “She moves her eyes from remembering to creating and has micro-expressions of fear and sadness when she talks about the domestic challenges. She touches her stomach and heart to show sincerity.” Repellent behaviour from a consummate actress.

Let’s look at the issues that POTUS and our PM discussed.

The Christchurch call.  He wants to work with her on that.  How exactly?  She did nothing except enact a scenario that sees gun crime at never-before-seen levels in this country.  That should work well in the good old US of A.  She destroyed legitimate items in the hands of responsible gun owners and put them in the hands of the lawless, who stated from the outset they would not hand in their weapons, and they didn’t and just look where we are now.  Well done JA.

He praised her leadership.  Well, he knows nothing about it, or her, as she is not a leader in any sense or definition of the word.

He was really impressed with what she is doing with tech companies.  What would that be exactly?  Requiring them to only support and allow left-wing ‘information?’

He praised New Zealand’s significant response to Ukraine.  Why? We should not be involved.  At all.  It is not our war.

“A former senior Labour Party member says New Zealand has effectively gone to war without consulting the public by joining Nato’s efforts to defeat Russia’s military objectives in Ukraine.

“He is concerned that NZ will “find itself on the wrong side of history” by “helping prolong a conflict in the interests of waning US hegemony while risking its own interests in the Asia-Pacific region, and increasing the risks of a nuclear war.”

“New Zealand is also inadvertently helping to arm neo-Nazi militias and far-right groups in Ukraine with modern weapons, which could be used elsewhere, he said.”
“Former minister in Helen Clark’s Labour coalition government, Matt Robson, echoed his concerns, and called for an informed debate in Parliament over the country’s increasing involvement in the conflict.”

Mike Smith continued:

“My expectation is that the analysts that we’ve supplied are using intel from the spy planes that are flying around Ukraine and from satellites to provide targeting information to the Ukraine forces. We’ve made those decisions without any procedure as to how they would be authorised.”

We should not just be able to enter into war at the whim of the government of the day.”
“The present situation is disastrous because it’s removed any chance of a negotiated peaceful settlement and any chance of a continued independent policy.”

NZ entering Ukraine conflict ‘at whim of govt’ – former Labour general-secretary | RNZ News

NZ should not be involved in this war and that we are is another indictment on the PM. The decision to assist was, it seems on listening to the Stephen Colbert Late Night fun-time session, after a conversation between the Ukraine PM, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, and Jacinda Ardern took place. It was about “values”, she simpered, looking suitably kind for the audience. Values. Be kind. Yet another Captain’s Call it seems.

Now immediately before we saw that nauseating segment about NZ’s support for a war we should not be supporting was this statement from a widely-smiling PM.

“It tends to be a policy of countries like mine to stay out of other countries politics.”

Really?  In two sentences, one immediately following the other. We tend to keep out of other countries’ politics and then we wade into a war that has huge ramifications for us. How can she not see the irony? She came across in that Stephen Colbert interview as being straight out of “The Real Housewives of Anywhere” with the hair and teeth, the pink power suit, the prop child, the scandalous lover (where is Clarke?) and her role as the meddling do-gooder with far too much power and money (other people’s of course.)

And how fantastic and fabulous and wow wow wow was it on that Late Hour comedy show to have Neve’s briefcase as a zoom-in shot. How cute. An ‘aw’ moment for an audience in thrall to a pinkly-clad socialist with a useful small daughter.

Really really a wow wow wow performance by our PM. Now flying home commercially as the ancient aircraft of a downward spiralling country breaks down. Now that is irony.  And metaphor.
