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Act Has Joined the ‘Singles Club’

Rider in the Storm. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

New Zealand First’s popularity seems to be increasing with every poll whilst Act seems to be in decline. Some say Act peaked too early.

Magnetism. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Act has joined the ‘Singles Club’. The latest poll by Talbot Mills has Act on 9%. This is not far off the Verian and Curia one. But the latest Guardian Essentials Poll now has NZ First narrowly in front of Act: NZF are on 8.2% to Act’s 7.9%. But, even worse, Labour has had a bump in the Guardian poll putting it on 30.3% to National’s 34%. It was always National’s election to lose.

Act is not doing that well in its ‘Love Island Contest’ against NZ First either. Who will be New Zealand’s next sweetheart?

With the surge in the polls for NZ First due to their common sense policies, The Bishop (Chris Bishop) is losing ground at the Rodeo and feels he must unseat Winston Peters with the aid of John Key.

Tanked out. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD

Steve Braunias of the Ferald (Herald) has been calling Winston Peters ‘The abominable man’ for months, but Luxon went one better and inferred that Winston was the ‘invisible man’ and said ‘He didn’t know him’. Paddy Gower quipped ‘You soon will’. As Claire Trevett put it ‘Better the devil you don’t know’.

On the Guardian poll National and Act can only garner 54 seats. This is not a majority and the veteran horse trader Winston Peters will have to be called in. Though the recent death of the Act candidate in Port Waikato will produce 121 seats in Parliament to fill instead of 120. Only party votes will be counted and as this is a safe National seat with Andrew Bayly this will be a bonus for them. This new development does not help Winston.

Even so Luxon may have to pick up the phone and arrange a ‘Speed Date’ with Winston to get to know him better if National and Act cannot come up with a majority.

If it’s not the leaders of other parties attacking Winston, TV commentators take up the slack. Jack-Not-So-Tame (Tame) laid a ‘hangi pit’ trap of statistics for Peters to fall into on Q+A. But Peters, being a cunning Maori, stepped round it and made Tame produce his own.

When asked by Tame how three extra prisons for gangs would be paid for, Peters shot him with one of Te Rauparaha’s muskets, saying there were already available beds, as Corrections Minister Kelvin Davis had cleared them out since 2019 using the latest thing in sartorial elegance, the ‘ankle bracelet’.

‘The thin blue line’ seemed to be absent from Posy Parker’s ‘Let Women Speak’ Rally in Albert Park, but seemed very much present at the recent empty parliament where the Tamakis and Sue Grey and other Freedom Groups rallied.

Chippy said he might have attended Posy Parker’s rally…pity he didn’t as then there would have been a police presence. The Police have gone ‘woke political’ in their protections of the public.

Chippy’s slogan is ‘In It for YOU’. If you are not one of them then it’s ‘YOU Who Are In for It’, as that elderly woman who was attacked in Albert Park found out. Not to mention the speaker herself having tomato juice poured over her head. This was George Orwell’s 1984 being played out before our eyes by ‘Big Brother’. Was this the beginning of the end for Chippy?

Rebecca Wrong (Wright) of The Nation asked Winston if he was too old at 78 to ‘cut the mustard’? Watch this space! Dame Jacinda who is at least thirty years younger had to call in Robbo’s Removals to take her out of the flak before her two terms were up. This is possibly Peters’s fourth term coming up.

Labour’s campaign manager seems to have been lost in the woods while Chippy took to his Biden Bunker with Covid. They seem to be going down at the first hurdle, whilst Winston has managed to stay in the saddle.

Bull riding. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

Winston’s theme song could be Cliff Richard’s chart hit ‘The Young Ones’, despite what Rebecca Wrong says. The election so far has been a bit of a ‘cliff hanger’ with the Nats trying to drive Winston voters off a cliff.

The Nats persuing their ‘get rid of Winston policy’ possibly calling for a second election may well end up ‘shooting themselves in the foot’. The voting public might be getting tired of Luxon’s ‘is Peters in or out’ shenanagins and see Luxon as a leader who doesn’t know his own mind and ‘spins on a dime’. Seymour meanwhile has got the ‘pip’ again and says Act will sit on the cross-benches and vote on a bill by bill basis.

Jason Walls says, ‘They are bluffing’. Winston says its a lie. Labour says they are in meltdown. Kerre Woodham of ZB says it’s just a ploy to get the blue vote. HDPA says National have scored an ‘own goal’.

We don’t want the ‘Chaos Coalition’ replaced with the ‘Circus Coalition’ which is what it will be if Peters is viewed as Darth Vader. Luxon claims negotiations took eight weeks last time. Peters says it was eleven days.

Rabble. Cartoon credit BoomSlang. The BFD.

The ‘second election’ strategy was possibly a ‘thought bubble’ from the bible of The Bishop.

National are so desperate to keep Peters out of office they are prepared to treat voters with contempt. What happened to ‘the will of the people’? This could be Winston’s last rodeo with a fourth ride coming up.


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