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Australian Senator Neville Bonner. Image credit The BFD.


Yesterday would have been the 100th birthday of a former Australian Senator called Neville Bonner who represented Queensland in the Senate for around 12 years. He was the first Aboriginal member of the Australian Parliament, replacing the first woman to represent Queensland in Parliament.

He was a conservative representing the Liberal party and his appointment to the Senate was approved by Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen, legendary Premier of Queensland, back in 1971.

As usual, it was the conservatives who were colourblind and happy to have the best person on the team rather than engage in selecting people on the basis of race or gender.

As usual, it was the left-wing party that claimed to champion certain racial minorities – but by golly that didn’t extend to having them in, you know, their actual caucus.

The Australian Labor Party in 1971, when Bonner became a Senator, wouldn’t even dream of having an aboriginal in their party room as it would scare the horses. Aborigines were seen as voting fodder who they could virtue signal about; elbowing each other out of the way to be the biggest champion of “indigenous rights”. So long as the Labor people didn’t have to actually meet any of them, or invite them to dinner or their clever dick cocktail parties. Oh, the horror!

The Liberals and conservative Australia didn’t mind in the least.
Needless to say, Bonner received swift, immediate, and constant personal abuse from the left-wingers: called all sorts of disgusting names which I cannot repeat here. As far as the left was concerned, “abos” belonged to the ALP, who disliked them stepping out of line and doing annoying things like, say, thinking for themselves; don’t anyone forget it!

What happened to Bonner is reminiscent of the left-wingers today; lest some of you younger folk think something “new” is occurring in modern times!

This was not a one-off; in 2019 Warren Mundine (a former Labor Party insider) angered his former party (got a bit “uppity!”) when he stood for the Liberals in Gilmore. In response he was engulfed in a tidal wave of nasty racist abuse from the left-wingers: truly appalling behaviour, albeit unsurprising as you and I, dear reader, know who the true (and only!) racists actually are.

The ALP’s constant [untrue, of course] claim to want more “minorities” in Parliament doesn’t apply to non-Labor candidates. Nor does it apply to anyone who isn’t an insane left-winger. Aboriginals who advocate for, say, capitalism as the only way to lift their community out of poverty and into the sunlight of prosperity are another group who get carpeted by a barrage of racist personal abuse from the Australian left-wingers.

Are you surprised? (Thought not).

One of the amusing things about Neville Bonner is that in the Australian Senate he was firmly on the right. He was often a lone voice during the Fraser government as a strong advocate for the economic and social policies Malcolm Fraser wouldn’t touch with a 10-foot pole: tax cuts, deregulation of business, limited government, cuts in spending, repealing ‘Nanny State’ laws interfering in personal liberties – things reminiscent of, you know, the principles of the Liberal party!
