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Activists Arrested for Allegedly Starting Fires

French president Emmanuel Macron tweeted a nearly 20-year-old photo to drum up the Amazon fires scare campaign. The BFD.

The Legacy media long ago abandoned rigorous truth-telling, in favour of peddling influence and “narratives”. The Legacy media too often don’t report the news any more, they try and make it.

A case in point was the “Amazon is burning” propaganda avalanche, late last year. Never mind that the photos they splashed around the world were decades old, or that scientific data showed that fire in the Amazon has dramatically declined. The legacy media have a narrative to spin.

They’re still at it.

A Brazilian NGO based in the Amazon has denied that four volunteer firefighters arrested by police had intentionally started fires in the rainforest.

The men were part of the Alter do Chao brigade, which helped battle huge fires this year in the northern Para state.

They were arrested after police raided the offices of Projeto Saude e Alegria (PSA), or Health and Happiness Project, which has links to the brigade.

Note the immediate spin, here. Rather than repeat the simple fact that members of an NGO have been arrested for allegedly starting fires in order to capture dramatic, scary footage to use as propaganda, the Beeb instead emphasises the denials of the accused (because, hey, it’s not like guilty criminals ever deny their crimes).

The spin doesn’t stop there, though.

Earlier this year, thousands of fires ravaged the Amazon rainforest in Brazil. Far-right President Jair Bolsonaro at one point suggested non-governmental organisations were setting off the blazes, without providing any evidence.

Naturally, the BBC has to slip in the “far right” ad hominem slur. Would the hypocrites BBC even dream of likewise tagging every article on New Zealand’s PM with “far-left Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern”?

On Tuesday, 10 heavily armed officers raided the headquarters of PSA and seized computers and documents, according to the group.

PSA is a well-known, award-winning NGO founded in 1987 which also carries out social and medical programmes to remote communities in the Amazon.

Yes, well, the cartels run schools and medical clinics, too.

Police said the operation was carried out as part of an investigation that pointed that NGOs, including the Alter do Chao brigade, had caused the fires aimed at generating donations. The four men had “privileged information and images of the fires” that were suspicious, they said.

“They filmed, published and then were called on by the government to help control the same fires that they caused,” Jose Humberto Melo Jr, an officer involved in the raid, said in a statement. “They always claimed to be surprised upon arriving at the scene, but there was no other logical possibility.”

Meanwhile, despite the Legacy media’s desperate cheer-squadding, at least one judge isn’t buying their protestations that they din’t do nuffin’.

On Wednesday, a judge in Para refused bail to the four men arrested.

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