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Actor-Comedian Jamie Kennedy Responds After Daily Beast Smear Article

The Joe Pags Show is a nationally syndicated talk radio show broadcast on stations all over the USA with an audience of around 5 million. Here in New Zealand you can listen on iHeart radio or as I prefer to do, view it on Twitch TV.

The show is on Tuesday to Saturday starting at 10:00 am NZ time and runs for 3 hours. Sunday morning is The Weekend w/Joe Pags which runs from 4:00 am and includes interviews from the week. After the show Joe hangs out with the Twitch audience for awhile sometimes putting a parody together with them.

If you have an interest in US politics and like a dash of humour with a parody or two check it out. There’s usually a great interview each day.

Former President Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Dr Ben Carson, rep Marjorie Taylor Greene & sen Ron Johnson have all been on the show recently.


In Honour of the Bibas Family

In Honour of the Bibas Family

Here in NZ today, where summer’s easygoing pace continues on a million miles away from this unfolding tragedy, I’ve felt like screaming into the void, being so far away yet connected to this dark, horrible news.  

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