ACT Party
In the News
Mark’s luck of the draw
This week Mark Cameron had his Member’s Bill drawn from the ballot. Each MP, who is not a Minister, can have one Bill that goes into a Ballot, with a draw every few weeks.
Mark’s Bill – the Resource Management (Regional Responsibility for Certain Agricultural Matters) Amendment Bill would allow regional councils to set environmental standards in each region.
Regional councils are best positioned to understand local conditions, this will allow direct relationship with stakeholders, farmers and industry and their regulators. Watch Mark’s interview with Stuff.
Every ACT MP has a Member’s Bill in the Ballot. You can read about them here.
Free speech fighters
The ACT Party has continued to fight against the Government’s proposed Hate Speech Laws.
David Seymour appeared on Newstalk ZB with Heather du Plessis-Allan on Monday to outline our position.
Our petition to Stop the Labour’s Hate Speech Laws reached over 26,000 signatures this week. You and your friends can sign it here.
No ordinary July 1
As July the first rolled around it was no ordinary Thursday for New Zealanders. It was the the day Labour attacked, piling on yet more taxes, and regulations. Healthy Homes Standards came in – but only for private landlords and not state houses, the first steps to implement the car tax came in, benefits went up and there was even a new tax on trash.
Check out what David Seymour had to say about the changes.
Brooke on housing
Brooke van Velden has continued to fight on behalf of landlords who now have to comply by so-called ‘Healthy Homes Standards’, even though Kainga Ora – the Government’s housing agency doesn’t.
ACT’s petition to stop Labour’s interest deductibility changes hit 15,000.
In the spirit of bipartisanship, Brooke also congratulated the Government on a significant KiwiBuild milestone. A thousand houses came just three years late and was 16,000 behind schedule.
Damien fights for sensible Government spending
Damien Smith was on Morning Report about the cost blow outs at the Royal Commission into Child Abuse in State Care. After blowing its $56m budget and being given $90m, the Minister now wants some accountability from the people running the commission. As Damien points out, New Zealand families all live within a budget, it should be the same for people who receive taxpayers’ money.
Toni fights compensation for prisoners
Toni Severin has spoken out about prisoners receiving compensation following the riot at Waikeria prison. The riots at Waikeria Prison over summer were infuriating for most New Zealanders. We watched as a bunch of men who were supposed to be repenting for their crimes against property and people committed more crimes against property and people. Now it’s the prisoners getting the compensation.
In the House
Parliament was sitting this week and Brooke van Velden prompted an Urgent Debate on the cyber security breaches at Waikato Hospital. You can watch the video below.
David Seymour gave Jacinda Ardern a run for her money on the Covid-19 response, proving the value of a true Opposition in Question Time.
Karen Chhour told Parliament that after countless restructures, rebrands, leadership changes, inquires, reviews, working groups and reforms at Oranga Tamariki, nothing has fundamentally improved for our children.
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