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Fly cattle class? Moi? The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

One of the commonest criticisms of monarchs and peers is that they often act as if they’re above the rules that apply to we plebs. But even the Sun King had nothing on the entitlement mentality of some elected officials. Australian prime minister Anthony Albanese seems to be channeling Pope Leo X since coming to office: now that he has the prime ministership, let him enjoy it.

First, there was the flurry of overseas trips, then the holiday just a couple of months into the job. Now, “Airbus Albo” is living up to his sobriquet and holding himself above even the wishes of kings.

Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has shunned the UK’s demands for foreign heads of state to fly commercial to the Queen’s funeral.

Ugh! What? Rub shoulders with commoners? For someone who likes to humble-brag about growing up in a council flat, Albanese is suddenly putting on airs to beat a mediaeval pope.

The UK Foreign Office has asked those invited to avoid using private jets to arrive in the UK for the funeral. Organisers have blamed “tight security and road restrictions”.

Leaked documents obtained by Politico news website revealed the world’s political leaders would be banned from using their own cars and are being asked to take a bus to the event.

But the directive has been dismissed by Mr Albanese, who has been dubbed “Airbus Albo” for his regular overseas jaunts since being elected in May.

Despite the private jet ban, he insists he will still be taking the Royal Australian Air Force’s VIP jet to the UK on Thursday evening […]

Earlier, Mr Albanese’s deputy Richard Marles suggested prime ministers never flew commercial due to security concerns.

Except for, say, staunch monarchist Tony Abbott, who was famously snapped travelling in cattle class with his family, on holiday in Europe.

But Airbus Albo’s not the only not-so-humble elected official aghast at the prospect of travelling like a commoner.

Elements of the plan have been met with incredulity in some quarters, with one foreign ambassador complaining: “Can you imagine Joe Biden on the bus?”

Perth Now

And isn’t that the problem? It might do some of these arrogant elitists a world of good, to be taken down a peg or two.

In a letter to foreign embassies sent over the weekend, the UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office said that world leaders cannot use their own state cars to attend the funeral and will be bussed into the event from a meeting point in west London.

Sydney Morning Herald

Don’t tell them they don’t know what ‘Nam was like.
