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Alan Jones Unloads Plenty on Ardern

Alan Jones Jacinda Ardern

What is it about our media that, with one or two exceptions, they seem orgasmically wired to our prime minister. The endless items of witless trivia that impregnate the pages of today’s newspapers and magazines belie the true identity of the woman. It’s beyond time that the media ejected these lightweight stories and started having no-nonsense intercourse with the lady on subjects such as her ability to do her job. Some objective honest journalism might lead to the act of withdrawal from the usual film flam.

Alan Jones, the most listened to breakfast news personality in Australia, finds her anything but an attractive proposition. In what some would describe as a verbal violation of her Kiwi media adored persona, he calls Jacinda an utter lightweight and a complete clown. Thanks for stating the obvious Alan! He suggested Scott Morrison shove a sock down her throat which is an impolite way of making the point that oxygen would be better expelled through her nasal passages rather than the other nearby orifice, her mouth. And so say all of us!

Australia is facing pressure to transition away from coal but Alan Jones continued to heap coals of fire on Ms Ardern saying she should “shut up” and stop running around the world hugging people. “It’s easy to run around the world, smile at people and look good and hug and all the rest of it”.  There are some home truths for her except they’re not from home. He said people vote because they want things done and in Australia and New Zealand they are not being done. How refreshing to hear some plain speaking.

Alan says Jacinda doesn’t know the difference between carbon and carbon dioxide. He might like to ask her the meaning of GDP. In terms of the South Pacific Song book I don’t think Alan was thinking there is nothing like a dame but her response to his comments was along the lines of I’m gonna wash that man right out of my hair. It is becoming increasingly obvious that when the prime minister opens her mouth it is without having done any homework on facts and figures to back up her virtue signalling. Again she has proven to be an embarrassment overseas,  one that Alan Jones has summed up pretty accurately.

By the way, how about Alan Jones for Leader of the National Party? Just a thought.
