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Albo Sets Jihadi Brides Free in Aus

They’ll take the Muhammad Mac with a side of Jihad. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

If you want to know where Anthony Albanese’s priorities lie, just consider the following:

A Scots family who came to Australia fully legally and have worked and paid their way the entire time are battling a deportation order that has personally cost them tens of thousands of dollars. But former Tamil Tigers who illegally entered the country were given, not just a taxpayer-funded free ride and a house, but a special dispensation to remain – complete with personal photo-op – by the PM.

Tennis champ Novak Djokovic is banned from the country despite the former Immigration Minister conceding that he has personally made no attempt to contravene any Australian law, and a court openly stating that he is banned because solely because the judge believed that he is “opposed to vaccination against COVID-19”.

But ISIS terrorists are secretly smuggled into the country, at taxpayers’ expense and under a cloak of secrecy – and set loose in the community.

Sky News commentator Peta Credlin has unleashed on the Albanese government after footage emerged of ISIS brides and their children visiting Kmart and McDonald’s within 48 hours of returning to Australia.

Four women, all of whom married terrorists, and their 13 children touched down in Sydney on Saturday after being removed from the al-Roj camp in Syria near the Iraqi border.

But they’ll be keeping a strict eye on them, right? Right…?

It has since been revealed the women are unlikely to face police action, aren’t required to wear ankle monitoring bracelets and won’t be subject to 24 hour police supervision.

Some of the women were spotted together at a McDonald’s in south-west Sydney on Tuesday. One of the ISIS brides, Mariam Dabboussy, was also spotted at a Kmart and playground in western Sydney with her family, sparking anger from politicians blindsided by the federal government’s decision to bring them home.
They’ll take the Muhammad Mac with a side of Jihad. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How could they tell who they were, under the burqas? Oh, wait, the giveaway was when one of the kids “playfully” beheaded one of the other kids for being an infidel, and tried to organise a sex slave auction behind the monkey bars.

A fired up Credlin weighed into the saga on Tuesday night as she slammed the Prime Minister over his decision to allow the ISIS brides to return – something she says has not been properly explained to the public […]

“No one wants to see children suffer for the crimes of their parents, but that can’t excuse the Albanese government’s total failure even to explain, let alone to justify, letting jihadi families returning to Australia.”

To be fair, a great many on the left do want to see white children suffer for the crimes, real or imagined, of their most distant ancestors.

Dai Le, the Federal independent MP for the south-west Sydney seat of Fowler, described the situation as concerning.

Ms Le recently wrote to the Home Affairs minister Clare O’Neil requesting a briefing but is yet to receive any information.

“There has been a cloak of secrecy over this whole repatriation issue,” Ms Le told the Today show on Wednesday.

“There has been no transparency over this repatriation from the government and here – to the families in Fowler in south-west Sydney – where the majority of those families have escaped the ISIS state and ISIS families.”

These are not just any ol’ ISIS jihadis, either. At least one of them was married to one of the most senior leaders, Muhammad Zahab. Zahab is believed to have recruited at least 13 of his family members, not including children, to join him in Syria.

Earlier this month, the Albanese government confirmed a rescue plan to bring home 16 women and 42 children who are families of IS members from the camp.

Daily Mail

Well, that makes us all sleep sounder in our beds at night.
