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Alinsky Writes the Ardern Agenda

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Editors Note: It has been brought to my attention that Reuters Fact checked the claim about Alinsky and declared it to be false.

On May 30 on Backchat, Jeff posted an article headed HOW TO CREATE A SOCIALIST STATE by Saul Alinsky. The article began by stating there are eight levels of control that must be obtained before you are able to create a socialist state. Before looking at these in detail it is important to be in no doubt that this is the sole reason Jacinda Ardern is in politics. This is her raison d’être.

According to Alinsky, of the eight, the first is the most important. And the first is –

Healthcare. Control heathcare and you control the people.

Jacinda must give a nightly silent prayer of thanks to Xi Jinping for presenting her with the opportunity to realise her innermost desires. With the compliant Dr. Bloomfield in tow she is well on her way. Dr Bloomfield was appointed during the term of this Government and the appointment is made independent of the Government. Allowing for that, there seems to exist a remarkable rapport between Bloomfield and Ardern. It must also be remembered that Bloomfield spent time at the World Health Organisation, which China virtually controls.

Ardern says all decisions taken are with his advice in mind. Bloomfield is warning that even under Level One, life still won’t be back to normal. He urged businesses not contact tracing to “get with the programme” and hinted it might be an official requirement under Level One. We are also reminded to wash our hands and keep a diary of where we have been. Yes Daddy to the first part and bollocks to the second. This man is either a control freak like Ardern or he’s happy to be her fall guy.

The second is Poverty. Increase the poverty level as high as possible as poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live. Ardern promised that she would eliminate, or at least heavily reduce the numbers in poverty. A lie? The reality is they have increased as they need to according to her agenda. With that increase has come breakfast and lunches in schools and now the supply of sanitary towels.

The third is Debt. Increase the debt to an unsustainable level. That way you are able to increase taxes; which will produce more poverty.

Remember the ‘no more taxes’ lie? That was never the plan because it does not fit the agenda. Hence the capital gains tax in the mix. Debt is always higher under a Labour Government. They invariably inherit a surplus from the prudent fiscal management of the other side and manage to spend it, wastefully, within the first year. Think free university attendance as one of many examples.

The fourth is Gun Control. Remove people’s ability to defend themselves from the Government. That way you are able to create a police state.

It is quite amazing how events have transpired to help this woman with her agenda. The Christchurch massacre enabled her to implement what turned out to be a fiasco regarding gun control. Nevertheless we are well on the way to a police state thanks to another highly paid and compliant civil servant, the Commissioner of Police. Families are removed from beaches but left wing mob rule is quite OK.

The BFD No social distancing and more than 100 in the group yet nothing was done by the NZ police.

The fifth is Welfare. Take control of every aspect of their lives (food, housing and income).

Increasing welfare numbers is something Labour excels at. Largely this is because they operate a system of no accountability. Drop a sprog to some nameless male member of the species and the Government doesn’t care who he, the father, is. The Minister said so. Same as she said the Government doesn’t care how much fraud is being committed under the current wage subsidy scheme. All part of their laissez faire approach. Where there should be control there isn’t and where there shouldn’t be there is. Numbers on housing waiting lists are also increasing. All part of the plan.

The sixth is Education. Take control of what people read and listen to. Take control of what children learn in school.

This appeared to be the case with the online school learning programme on TV during the lockdown. Some parents were complaining that a particular agenda and world view were being peddled in the lessons. This was an eye-opener as to what is actually being taught in the classroom.

Jacinda and her left wing friends were reading stories to young children. David Hill has written a children’s book, Taking the Lead, telling children how Jacinda has wowed the world and become the world’s youngest Prime Minister. It’s available in schools apparently. It is supposedly telling children that anything is possible. Evidently when she was young she wanted to be a clown. Say no more. End of story! And don’t forget this Government closing down Charter Schools.

The seventh is Religion. A touchy subject anyway. While not banning it, the Government is not encouraging it and if a state school wants to teach it there are a number of rules that now apply.

The eighth is Class Warfare. Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.

The wealthy are of course Dr Cullen’s rich pricks who deserve to be taxed out of existence. These are anyone who owns a business, landlords, farmers etc. This strategy is of course to the detriment of the poor, the ones they supposedly represent, but that is not the point. Never mind that businesses provide jobs, farmers provide basic food, landlords provide housing, it is the manifestation of the idea for political effect that counts. Create a political climate of envy.

When Jeff posted the article on Backchat he asked us if it sounded familiar. It sure does. If it hadn’t had Alinsky’s name attached I would have supposed another name starting with the letter A. This prescription for some sort of misguided utopia must be stopped before this country becomes the basket case of the Pacific. The virus might be a health pandemic but it will be nothing compared to the ensuing economic pandemic. The Government might think they have done a good job controlling the heath side of things but they will prove to be babes in the woods when it comes to tackling the economic mess they have created.

Agree Comrades?

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