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All 3 Kids ‘Trans’? Nothing to See Here

More red flags than half-time at a bullfight. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

A “trans” child, it is said, is like a vegan cat: you know someone else is really making the decisions.

Increasingly, with “trans men” (girls who pretend to be boys) especially, the decisions are being made by their peer groups and the internet. It’s notable that girls identifying as “trans” or “non-binary” tend to occur in clusters. This is exactly what you’d expect of the faddish, slavish followers which are teenage girls.

Another prominent influence of transgenderism in children is the relationship with the opposite-sex parent. Fathers who wanted a boy to throw ball with, perhaps, or mothers who really wanted a little girl to dress up and paint their nails. Psychological research shows that the mothers of “trans” boys are disproportionately likely to be clingy madwomen. The BFD has already reported on such cases as “Lucas”, whose mother openly brainwashed him into transgenderism after a bitter divorce (Lucas ended up defying his mother and acknowledging the simple truth that he is a boy).

As for fathers…

A Family Court judge has determined that a father’s refusal to conform with traditional gender norms left his three children “confused” and encouraged them to “question their gender identity” after they all began identifying as non-binary, ruling the two youngest children will not be permitted to see their ­father for an extended period.

Which frankly sounds like a blessing for them.

The matter regarded the breakdown of a 20-year relationship between a mother and a ­father, who identifies as male but occasionally wears gender non-conforming clothes, including a dress to his middle child’s first day of school.

Justice Kylie Beckhouse earlier this month ruled the two youngest children, known pseudonymously as Riley, 8, and Taylor, 13, will not be allowed to see their father for the next four months, after which period they will spend time with him on Sundays.

It may already be too late for their eldest sister.

The eldest child, Jamie, 16, who is taking puberty blockers and wishes to undergo a mastectomy once he completes his HSC, will live with both parents in accordance with his wishes.

That’s “she” and “her”. It speaks volumes about the bullying authoritarianism inherent in trans ideology that once-reputable newspapers aren’t even allowed to state simple facts, for fear of attack.

As mentioned, the psychological literature shows that mothers of “trans” boys were more than three times as likely to exhibit Borderline Personality Disorder or depression. Their mothers were also likely to have “child-rearing attitudes and practices that encouraged symbiosis and discouraged the development of autonomy”.

Given the importance of the opposite-sex parent in cases of child “transgenderism”, it’s hardly surprising, then, that the father of three “trans” girls is barking mad.

In 2009 the father was ­diagnosed with anxiety and depression, conditions that “intensified” until he became suicidal in 2018.

In 2019 he was diagnosed with ADHD and was prescribed medication to treat the symptoms. That same year, the couple physically separated and the father moved out of the former matrimonial home […]

Dr S also observed that “all three children had identified as non-binary, reflective of their father’s values” […] Dr S also found the father was unable to provide basic care and stability for the children, or provide them with adequate accommodation.

The Australian

And if lunar parents won’t transition their kids, the education system is only too willing to do it for them.

Expelled Victorian Liberal MP Moira Deeming has accused teachers of “cutting the connection between the parent and their child” in championing a trans-positive curriculum, warning parents of “terrible” ideologies being pushed in classrooms.

Speaking at the Conservative Political Action Conference Australia in Sydney on Sunday, the former teacher said educators were ­allowed to “lie and withhold information from parents” and ­introduce “sexual ideas” to a child behind their parents’ back.

As The BFD exposed with New Zealand’s “Mates and Dates” program, the school curricula are being deliberately loaded with Queer Theory ideology that is openly intended to “teach children to be queer”.

“In the curriculums, they call it gender euphoria as if it’s a fun choice,” she said. “People who go behind a parent’s back and sexualise children, we already have a category for that. I’m not saying everybody is in that category, but I am saying it’s absolutely unacceptable for all the same reasons. Parents are their children’s best protectors.”

Well, most of the time, as we see above.

“So as a teacher, I just couldn’t believe that … literally my authority was being directed towards children in such a way that it was gaslighting them and removing all of the safeguards that all teachers everywhere know we need, like not having male teachers supervise the female swimming rooms, like not letting the males into the girls toilets.

“I just cannot believe the absolute total wholesale destruction of child safeguarding. They’ve put into policies and in the law that teachers are allowed to lie and withhold information from parents.”

Sexualising children, and encouraging secrecy… we do indeed have a word for that.

Just as they would if they left their children with any other stranger, parents must be rigorously vigilant about what schools are inculcating their children with.

Ms Deeming encouraged parents to speak to their children more and be aware of what they were being taught.

“Please don’t assume what’s going on in any school – I don’t care if it’s a Catholic school or a Christian school, I don’t care what school it is, it’s a mandated curriculum,” she said.

The Australian

And, as Catholic and Anglican schools in Tasmania are finding out, any school which tries to demur is swiftly subjected to lawfare and vilification from the rainbow groomers.

Folks, it’s time to home-school your kids.
