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“All I Want Is to Be Happy and Feel like Me, and I Don’t Feel like Me, Ever”

Someone owes this damaged young man an awful lot of apologies. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

How to explain the unhinged violence of the “Trans Rights Activists” who’ve been spitting on, screaming at, punching and kicking women at Kellie-Jay Keene’s rallies? Partly, it’s because transgenderism is an inherently misogynist, homophobic ideology. But I suspect that the sudden ratcheting up of mob violence from the TRAs is because they know they’re losing.

The backlash against insane trans ideology and its legacy of brutality against women and especially children is growing by the day. And much of it is being led from the inside.

Jazz Jennings is a rock star of the trans movement. I Am Jazz is a standard text for groomers. But, it is clear from recent episodes of the reality show of the same name that Jennings is, in fact, a deeply troubled young man who has been broken and betrayed by all those around him.

Jazz Jennings is fully aware of the criticisms against her and her bottom surgery that’s currently being documented on her show I Am Jazz. Amid all the backlash, the trans teen recently broke her silence and just admitted that she’s still male despite the medical procedures done on her body.

International Business Times

Jennings was diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” at the age of five. From six years old, his parents publicly prostituted him to a willingly complicit media and grubby, unscrupulous activists. But the picture that is emerging for all to see is a broken, mutilated young man who been sterilised and castrated and struggles with a host of psychological demons.

In recent years, however, Jennings has repeatedly made headlines for health problems that offer counter-evidence to the narrative that medicine can seamlessly transition adults or children from one sex to the one they supposedly truly belong to.

A botched penile inversion vaginoplasty that Jennings underwent at the age of 17 required multiple corrective surgeries and left him with greatly diminished sexual function.

The House of Horrors stuff is only just beginning.

His surgery was performed with stomach lining material to make up for the lack of available tissue. Soon after the surgery, his “neovagina” split apart. Three corrective surgeries over a period of years were subsequently performed […]

Following the initial surgeries, Jennings gained over 100 pounds through binge eating and experienced a range of mental health disorders. Jennings’ mother, Jeanette, deflected theories that those difficulties were caused by the penile inversion vaginoplasty and argued that Jazz had long experienced mental health issues.

Had long experienced mental health issues. Had long experienced mental health issues.

Hello? Does anyone not think that mental health was the real problem, not “gender dysphoria”?

If nothing else, then Jennings’ parents ought surely long ago have been hauled before Child Protective Services?

Jeanette Jennings claimed that Jazz’s happiest time in life had been during the year following the first surgery, though she acknowledged that Jazz had spiraled thereafter into a depressive state and could barely get out of bed in the morning […]

Jeanette, of course, has made millions off of Jazz’s transition and become famous for it. She now runs her own organization, the TransKids Purple Rainbow Foundation, which “aims to enhance the lives of transgender and gender non-conforming youth and their families”.

Then there’s this revolting statement.

Jeanette Jennings said she has woken up Jazz in the middle of the night and demanded that he dilate his “neovagina”. She said, “I have woken Jazz out of a dead sleep and taken the dilator and put the lubrication on it and said, ‘Here, you take this and you put it in your vagina: if not, I will.’”

Does that strike anyone as an even remotely normal thing to do?

“All I want is to be happy and feel like me, and I don’t feel like me, ever.”
“I just want to feel like myself, like that’s it. I don’t care,” he said. “All I want is to be happy and feel like me, and I don’t feel like me, ever.”

The American Spectator

That’s about the most heartbreaking thing to hear.

And it’s without doubt only the tip of the iceberg of pain and suffering the insane zealots of gender ideology have inflicted on a generation of children.

Lawsuits are the least of what should happen to these people.
