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Western media reporting on Palestine. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Whenever I hear some prating idiot hand-wringing about “innocent Palestinians”, I reach for my barf bag.

Not because there are no innocent Palestinians: I’m sure there are a few tots who haven’t yet learned virulent Jew-hatred at their mother’s (or the UNRWA’s) knee. We know for certain that a rare Palestinian will try to speak openly about Hamas’ kleptocratic reign of terror (before they’re hurriedly cut off by the Al-Jazeera reporter).

But, let’s be honest: they’re very, very much a minority.

The average Palestinian is even more Hamas-happy than a 1930s Berliner screaming his or her adulation for Der Fuhrer — and we didn’t hesitate to bomb them to dust in order to rid the world of the scourge of Nazism.

If anything, the Germans had more call to plead innocence than Palestinians. After all, the Nazis actually downplayed their anti-Jewish rhetoric in the crucial election years of the early 30s. In power, the Nazis went to great lengths to conceal their crimes from the world.

Hamas is the complete opposite. Its very charter is a blueprint for genocide. It has made repeatedly clear beyond all doubt that it intends to rid, first the Middle-East then the world, of Jews. Christians, shortly after.

And far from hiding its savage crimes from the world, Hamas proudly broadcasts them. Hamas terrorists literally rang their parents, mid-slaughter, to brag about the blood, to tears of joy from Mama and Baba.

When German civilians were frog-marched through the liberated camps, they retched and wept. When Palestinians see the recorded-for-all-to-see depravity of October 7, they cheer and laugh.

And love Hamas more than ever.

As President Biden’s national security adviser, Jacob Sullivan, lands in Israel on Thursday to advance a post-war peaceful vision that would replace Hamas’s leadership in Gaza with the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, a reputable Ramallah-based pollster is issuing alarming data, recording a dramatic rise of support for war among Palestinians.

The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research, considered the most reliable pollster in the West Bank and Gaza, finds that 72 percent of all Palestinians believe that Hamas was “correct” to launch its October 7 attack in southern Israel. The numbers are higher in the West Bank, where 82 percent back the Hamas onslaught, than in Gaza, where 57 percent do.

This cannot be hand-waved away as just a reaction to the righteous destruction in Gaza. Don’t forget that Hamas were elected to power, two decades ago. Despite suspending elections and foregoing the normal functions of a government in order to pursue a fanatical campaign against Jews, opinion polls show ever-increasing support for Hamas.

Among Gaza and West Bank residents, 43 percent now support Hamas, compared with 22 percent who did so before war. Only 17 percent support the Palestinian Authority’s main party, Fatah, compared with 26 percent in September. Most Palestinians support neither of these parties, or had no response.

Other opinion polls, it must be noted showed much higher support for Hamas, even before the war.

Even discounting opinion polls, Palestinians showed where their loyalty really lies, with their fists and knives.

Palestinian civilians working in Israel compiled maps for Hamas to plan their attack. Not one let slip so much as a hint to Israelis as to what was coming. Crowds of Palestinian civilians followed Hamas terrorists into Israel, to loot Israeli houses and corpses. Even bigger crowds lined the streets of Gaza to laugh and jeer and brutalise Israeli hostages, and spit on the raped corpse of Shani Louk as she was paraded like a hunting trophy.

As screaming, bloodied Israeli girls were hustled through the streets of Gaza, not one Palestinian — not one — lifted a finger to help. Even the occasional SS soldier helped save the odd Jew from the death camps (much to Himmler’s fury).

Some Germans and other civilians in the Reich and its occupied territories risked their lives to shelter Jews. Not a single Palestinian civilian breathed a word of where hostages were being kept and tortured in their very midst. Palestinian civilians, including a doctor and a UNRWA worker, were holding hostages for Hamas. Palestinian civilians turned over an escaped hostage right back to Hamas.

So, spare me the prattling pearl-clutching about “Palestinian civilians”.

And let’s not pretend, like the odious Helen Clark, that “quote terrorists”, to use her disgusting, morally vacuous, term, can be part of a lasting, two-state peace. Hamas have not and never will accept a two-state solution. And the Palestinian Authority is hardly waiting in the wings to step up. No matter how much the scrambled-egg-intellect American president deludes him.

[Joe Biden] insists that a “revitalized Palestinian Authority” should govern Gaza in the aftermath of the war.

“After the great sacrifice of our civilians and our soldiers, I will not allow the entry into Gaza of those who educate for terrorism, support terrorism, and finance terrorism; no Hamastan, no Fatahstan,” Prime Minister Netanyahu countered Tuesday that “I will not allow Israel to repeat the mistake of Oslo” […]

Mr. Biden’s vision of a renewed Authority that would unite the West Bank and Gaza and lead a transition to a “two state solution” may require a major revision after the White House reads Mr. Shikaki’s poll. A plurality of Gazans — 38 percent — said Hamas should lead the strip after the war, as did an even more sizable majority — 60 percent — of West Bankers.

New York Sun

This begs the question of why Israel would be mad enough to replace the Reich with another Weimar and set themselves up for the whole, bloody cycle to keep going.
