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Photo by Anna Demianenko. The BFD
If you don’t read the newspaper, you’re uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you’re misinformed.

Mark Twain

There are thousands of independent journalists around the world who may help to broaden your horizons. Here are a few of my favourites…


  • The Epoch Times – US-based, Chinese focused news, financed by Falun Gong, the persecuted belief system.
  • Crossroads with Joshua Philipps – part of The Epoch Times – highly recommended for an up-to-date and highly informed breakdown of what’s happening in China, and how it affects whom
  • China in Focus – affiliates of The Epoch Times
  • China Uncensored with Chris Chappell – tongue-in-cheek review of China news
  • World is One News (WION) – Indian-based, independent news, largely about China, particularly about their disputed border.
  • TFI Global (The Frustrated Indian) – Indian-based, independent news
  • China Observer – another independent Chinese-focused news channel
  • Zooming in with Simone Gao – a Chinese dissident
  • X22 Report – US-centric, conservative-leaning patriot, breaking down the wild conspiracies of Qanon
  • America Uncovered with Chris Chappell – upbeat positive news focused on America
  • Ice Age Farmer – specialises in global food shortages, preparedness, Codex Alimentarius – the UN agenda to control the world’s food supplies
  • Tony Heller – statistician, debunking climate change and coronavirus
  • Ben Shapiro – intellectual, conservative, entertaining. Check out his recent video: 4 Reasons Lockdowns Should End Today
  • The Rubin Report – Dave Rubin, intellectual adult conversations.
  • John Doyle – tongue-in-cheek, satirist.
  • Colion Noir – US lawyer, freedoms, civil and gun rights
  • Gerald Celente – trends forecasting and global news, well worth a weekly watch, “history, before it happens”
  • Jordan B Peterson – Clinical psychologist, intellectual, it’ll click once you watch him, give it a chance and listen.
  • Douglas Murray, author of The Madness of Crowds, conservative-leaning truth teller.

And for news closer to home:

  • Sky News Australia – including the Bolt Report, Alan Jones, The Outsiders, Peta Credlin (The Credlin Report)
  • The BFD – conservative-leaning, independent NZ-based news, including some humour.
  • Newstalk ZB radio – including Mike Hosking, amongst other NZ favourites

Independent websites:

Worldometer – statistics of coronavirus and other global statistics
Swiss Policy Research – up-to-date COVID-19 data. Once you read about this data, you’ll never go back.
Global Research Canada – alternative, independent news – conservative, American news. Particularly includes the articles banned by YouTube and Twitter.

And for some comic relief:

Comedy Unleashed – London-based real uncensored comedy. Their only rule, if you don’t find it funny, don’t laugh. In particular, Titania McGrath.

Be a loner. That gives you time to wonder, to search for the truth. Have holy curiosity. Make your life worth living.

Albert Einstein

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