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America’s Black Klanswoman Cracks the Whip

The Exalted Cyclops of the Klan With a Tan. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

In the long-gone days of the Jim Crow South, racist Democrat voters and their demagogue politicians used to intimidate juries by parading outside courthouses in their pointy hoods. In the new era of Jim Snow, racist Democrat voters and their demagogue politicians show up in hoodies and face-masks.

Throughout the trial of Derek Chauvin, the Klan With a Tan made sure their message was heard, loud and clear: if we don’t get the verdict we want, someone’s gonna pay. Those someones were the jurors, who were all-but-openly named by the race-baiting media during the trial, and who were threatened with doxxing after.

Just to drive home the message, BLM goons rioted in Minneapolis and attacked the homes of defence witnesses. Moronic Democrat blowhard Maxine Waters joined the fray, thundering threats at the jury like a black George Wallace. The only difference is that they’ve traded burning crosses for pig’s heads.

The Exalted Cyclops of the Klan With a Tan. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Even long-time, card-carrying Democrats can see the new racist paradigm for what it is.

Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) was clearly trying to influence the jury in the Derek Chauvin trial when she traveled to Minnesota and said Chauvin should be found guilty, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz charged on Tuesday.

Her message was clearly intended to get to the jury—‘If you will acquit or if you find the charge less than murder, we will burn down your buildings. We will burn down your businesses. We will attack you. We will do what happened to the witness—blood on their door,’” he said during an appearance on Newsmax, referring to how the former home of defense expert Barry Brodd was recently vandalized.

“This was an attempt to intimidate the jury. It’s borrowed precisely from the Ku Klux Klan of the 1930s and 1920s when the Klan would march outside of courthouses and threatened all kinds of reprisals if the jury ever dared convict a white person or acquit a black person. And so, efforts to intimidate a jury should result in a mistrial with the judge, of course, wouldn’t grant a mistrial because then he’d be responsible for the riots that would ensue, even though it was Waters who was responsible,” Dershowitz added.

The judge, of course, appears to be too timid to come straight out and stand up to the new Klan.

Hennepin County Judge Peter Cahill, the judge overseeing the trial of Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer accused of killing Floyd, told the court on Monday he was aware of Waters’ statements.

Cahill rejected a motion from Chauvin’s lawyer for a mistrial. However, he told the lawyer that he could submit articles about the remarks for an “appeal that may result in this whole trial being overturned.”

Eric Nelson, the lawyer, had argued that Waters was making “threats against the sanctity of the jury process” and “threatening and intimidating the jury” into delivering a guilty verdict against his client.

As we have seen in Australia, clearly flawed jury decisions against defendants targeted by massive hate campaigns can eventually be overturned on appeal.

But Dershowitz predicted the case could be dismissed upon appeal if there is a conviction.

“I think there will be a conviction, at least on the manslaughter charge. The issue will go to the Court of Appeals,” he said on Newsmax. “And will the Court of Appeals have the courage to reverse this conviction on the ground … that the jury was subjected to intimidation tactics, not only by Waters but by others as well who threatened violence in the event of an acquittal or a lesser charge than murder?”

The Epoch Times

Like Australia, appeals are heard by panels of judges, not juries. The Eighth Circuit, which takes in Minnesota, currently consists entirely of judges appointed by a succession of Republican administrations, from Reagan to Trump. One of the current Minnesota circuit judges was considered by Trump for the Supreme Court.

But will they have the guts to stand up to the violent mob and correct a clear miscarriage of justice?

More to the point, will Derek Chauvin survive in prison to see an appeal?

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