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Clarence Thomas: America’s most dangerous black man. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Who is the most dangerous black man in America? Whackadoodle black supremacist and prolific child molester Dwight York, currently serving 135 years in solitary? Eh, who’s even heard of him? How about Brandon Bernard, who along with a gang of murderous accomplices, begged a ride from two youth pastors, then robbed and shot them while their victims sang “Jesus Loves Us”? Nah, he fried, despite a frenzied celebrity campaign to free his poor black ass.

It seems that the more callously brutal a black man’s crimes in America, the more white liberals are convinced that he is a suffering innocent. No, folks, the black man that liberal America really fears is a powerful black conservative.

In March, Amazon censored a well-produced and popular documentary, dropping it from its digital video offerings. Yet the company still sells Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler, and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung: The Little Red Book. And rightly so: sunlight is the best antidote to bad ideas and free people are capable of critical reasoning.

But not so for the most dangerous of media, which featured Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas.

Created Equal: Clarence Thomas in His Own Words is a documentary-cum-biography of Thomas, mostly delivered in the Justice’s own words. And, hoo boy, are his words ever a dire threat to the bogus left-wing narrative on race.

Unlike pampered, millionaire basketball stars or mollycoddled black criminals, Clarence Thomas actually knows a thing or two about racism as it once was in America. He learned the word “circumnavigate” because that’s what black folk had to do with the local park when he was growing up in the 50s. Later, he abandoned seminary because of Church silence on racism and got into radical black politics and violent riots instead. “For the first time in my life racism and race explained everything. It became, sort of, the substitute religion.”

So far, sounds like a model black House Boy for the woke left, right?

But Thomas’ story didn’t end there.

But then the twist: “I had let myself be swept up by an angry mob for no good reason other than that I, too, was angry. I stopped in front of the chapel and prayed for the first time in nearly two years. I asked God, I said ‘If you take anger out of my heart, I’ll never hate again.’ And that was the beginning of the slow return to where I started.”

That led to the further apostasy of putting one’s child above ideology when the Left was embracing forced busing.

As Thomas says, “I knew one thing, nobody was going to have some social experiment and throw my son in there”.

Further mortifying to progressives, Thomas candidly disclosed that he ceased to believe that most black criminal defendants were political prisoners when he got to the Missouri attorney general’s office and realized black crime victims overwhelmingly were attacked by criminals of the same race. That is a very inconvenient fact to convey in America today.

Furthering the documentary’s ThoughtCrime is its portrayal of Joe Biden. Biden figured prominently in Thomas’s confirmation hearing for the Supreme Court, which was an early-90s practice run of the Kavanaugh show trial. Thomas was in fact directly addressing Biden when he said:

And from my standpoint, as a black American, as far as I am concerned, it is a high-tech lynching for uppity blacks who in any way deign to think for themselves, to do for themselves, to have different ideas, and it is a message that, unless you kowtow to an old order, this is what will happen to you, you will be lynched, destroyed, caricatured by a committee of the U.S. Senate, rather than hung from a tree.

Plus ça change, your honour.

Indeed, Thomas speaks directly about the bigotry of contemporary “progressive” groupthink and the strict boundaries white liberals draw around their House Boys.

“How is that different from being told ‘you can’t walk across that park’? ‘Oh, you can’t think those thoughts.’ How is that any different? You know what? I’d prefer to be excluded from the park because I can live my life quite freely without having set foot in a park. But you can’t live it freely without having your own thoughts.”

American Greatness

As it was in the days when the Democrats defended first slavery then Jim Crow, there’s nothing so upsetting to the white massas of the left than an uppity negro.

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