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An Alternative to PayPal Waits in the Wings

Gab is outsmarting Big Tech, yet again. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.
The second beast was given power to[…]cause all who refused to worship the image to be killed. It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark

– Revelation 13:15-17

As we’ve seen all too often, the left establishment will do absolutely anything to silence dissenting opinions. Whether it’s banning presidents from social media, forcing publishers to drop best-selling authors, forcing best-selling authors to retroactively edit books, or banning speakers from public forums – the Cancel Culture left will stop at nothing to stifle free speech.

Including stopping non-leftists from even being able to conduct financial transactions.

Andrew Torba of Gab is one of the few tech entrepreneurs willing to stand up to the left hegemony. When Big Tech tried to deny them everything from domain registration to site hosting, Gab simply worked around them and created their own alternatives.

Then Big Tech banned Gab from online payment processing. So, Gab is creating their own payment platform.

When Gab was banned from several banks earlier this year it inspired us to get right to work building our own free speech-friendly financial infrastructure. The age of financial censorship has long been coming and Gab was the canary in the coal mine on this issue over three years ago. When the financial censors came for us, few stood up to defend us. We were told to “go build our own” if we didn’t like it so that’s exactly what we have been doing.

Online payment platforms have denied services to scores of broadcasters, writers and speakers. Even the mainstream banks are getting in on the censorship act; after a cancel mob led by left-wing NZ politicians witch-hunted YouTuber Lee Williams, Westpac revoked his bank accounts.

Facing financial censorship is nothing new for Gab.

Gab has been banned from Paypal since 2018 along with many other payment processors including Stripe, Square, Coinbase, and more.

We are even banned from accepting Visa and Mastercard despite operating a fully legal American business that sells software services and merchandise like hats, mugs, and shirts as our business model.

Gab literally cannot accept credit or debit card transactions to sell you a hat on the internet.

Gab was able to work around the financial censorship using old-fashioned cheques and bitcoin. But, for an ordinary Kiwi, being locked out by the banks is a one-way ticket to destitution.

If you’re reading this it’s inevitable that one day all of these things can and will happen to you too, which is why we have been working so hard to build a solution for everyone.

It’s not just falsely-accused “white supremacists” who face ruin by the far-left. The writing is on the wall that anyone who declines a Covid vaccine will be denied basic services, including banking.

Businesses, venues, sports teams, employers, and even our own federal government are all moving towards forcing people to choose between living and working in the existing economic system or being cast out for refusing to inject an experimental substance into their bodies.

Choosing between feeding your family and retaining your bodily autonomy while remaining true to your religious convictions shouldn’t be a choice any human being has to make. It’s evil, it’s wrong, and you should be speaking boldly against it.

If they want us out of their system, then so be it: we will build our own.

At Gab we are making great progress on GabPay, our Paypal alternative, as one of our many initiatives in the fight against the tyranny of the global elites.

At the moment we are jumping through a lot of legal and regulatory hoops, but things are moving quickly. Building your own Paypal is not as simple as “build the software and ship it.” The software side for GabPay is actually done already and works great. It’s the red tape that takes time.

The need for an alternative to Big Tech on every front, including finance, is becoming more pressing by the day. Australia is looking at laws to allow police to snoop on your social media, even online dating. Left-aligned NGOs are snooping through people’s financial transactions in order to ruin their lives.

At Gab we are builders. We don’t sit around and whine about problems, we actively build solutions to those problems. Gab is the only community with a proven track record of not bending the knee.

Gab News

It’s time to stop complaining. It’s time to give up on trying to “reform” Big Tech. They will never be reformed, they will never give you an even break: they are making the rules and they don’t want you to play.

There’s only one alternative: walk away.

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