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The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

Prof Worzel

What do we think of the parent who through ignorance or neglect harms their child or children? What historically has been the fate of leaders and their countries who have taken bad advice? In what regard do we hold those who believe a convenient lie and in so doing lead themselves and others astray, when the truth was available and only required a small effort to uncover and a little common sense to understand?

Historically the watchman asleep at his post who allows the enemy to attack unseen is executed for his crime of lassitude. And rightly so. When the common good of all is jeopardised by the failure of an individual or special interest group they must be removed as expeditiously as possible so future harm can be avoided. No virus can be as dangerous as those who wish to wield power over us and exploit us.

In accord with the Hegelian dialectic of ‘Problem, Reaction, Solution’ the contrived crisis surrounding the most recent strain of Flu has been used as an excuse to push forward a globalist agenda that I have been warning people about for years.

Marketed in the style of a Saatchi and Saatchi advertising campaign and branded with the sexy and slightly scientific sounding name of COVID-19, the coverage has been pervasive, incessant and as disingenuous as that of any other consumer product.

Bigger than big, stronger than strong, COVID-19 can reach places other flu’s can only dream about.

Annually influenza is the eighth leading cause of death, just behind diabetes, and leading kidney failure by a masked nose. It is unlikely that this will change this year. However, due to recent plagues of locusts in Asia and Africa, the world wide recession and the disruption of supply lines caused by government lockdowns, it is very likely that starvation and malnutrition will come from behind, accelerate down the back straight and overtake the lot.

The plans for a Novus Ordo Seclorum or New World Order were already in place, waiting only for suitable circumstances to implement them. The many conflicting theories surrounding ’the virus’ are for the most part highly speculative. The measures that have been put in place are, however, guaranteed to ruin your health. Lack of exercise, staying inside, limited access to fresh food like that sourced through farmers’ markets and local suppliers. Stress induced by fear and anxiety. Isolation through ‘social distancing’, and reducing exposure to bacteria: all proven to weaken the natural immune response. There is no ’Pandemic’ now but the likelihood of a future one has been greatly increased by the forced shutdown.

The totalitarian tip toe has mutated into the dictatorship dash as the power grab of the elites shifts to full throttle. The inevitable civil unrest that will result when people wake up to the truth of what has occurred has already been catered for. Police have been trained in paramilitary style operations. Since Jacinda’s gun grab it has been reported that by March 2020 the Police Armed Offenders Squad had been called out fifty times more often than in the previous year.

If there is even the merest grain of truth in this news it clearly indicates that the many millions of dollars of our money spent to buy legally owned firearms off law abiding Kiwis and turning them into worthless scrap metal clearly didn’t achieve the stated results. Or did they? What was it that they really wanted to achieve anyhow? Is the government’s stated desired outcome ever the actual result?

Whilst taking firearms off the public, one arm of the state was binge shopping at the global gun shop. In response to an OIA request I found out that in the previous 10 months the NZ Police purchased 486 Tasers, 992 Glock Pistols, 929 rifles and an additional 72 La Rue marksman (Sniper) rifles and 34 Breaching Shotguns. This is a serious quantity of ordnance in anyone’s armoury. Are we expecting a war or something? Does anyone remember the good old days when cops wore hard hats, carried batons and shootings were rare indeed ? Looking on the bright side, with only 34 new shotguns the ducks are pretty safe.

In one fell swoop your liberty has been taken away. You were sentenced to a home detention regimen that was once only reserved for convicted criminals. What vestige of privacy you still have will be further compromised by mandating a tracking app for your own personalised smart phone tracking device.

Traditional remedies like rest, sunshine, citrus (Vitamin C) and honey, garlic and tumeric have been ignored. Some new treatments like hydroxychloroquine, a drug that is well tested, has been used for years and has proven effective have been maligned in favour of an as yet undiscovered, untested and so far non existent vaccine sponsored by the non-doctor, non-scientist master of viruses Bill Gates through his Gates (of Hell) Foundation.

People throughout the world have been persuaded to do what they are told with bogus figures and outlandish predictions. Reading from the same UN script politicians have imposed draconian measures that are plunging nations into economic recession and depression. Businesses have been closed down and some will never reopen. Places of worship, which would certainly be deemed essential by the faithful, have likewise stood empty.

The old and the infirm have been forced to forgo the company and help of family and friends. Many have passed away without the comforting presence of those they most hold dear. The US has printed up over $4 trillion non existent stimulus dollars. Here in New Zealand there has been $30 billion in funny money made. The inevitable inflation has already set in. It is economics Zimbabwe style and the result will be similar.

Those who wield power in the world tell us they have our best interests at heart and that they have the ability to bring us health and safety. If any reader can reference a single time in recorded history when this was true I will be happy to shout them lunch. Is there ever any such thing as a free lunch ?

What must we do now? We must refuse to consent to any further loss of liberty and demand restoration of our freedom hard won by our forefathers. When the truth is eventually revealed and the lack of research and abysmal decision making of our political leaders is exposed those with integrity will admit their fault and resign. The chances of this are I expect even less than contracting COVID-19. Therefore we must demand their resignations for the immense harm they have caused us and our nation.

© Worzel 2020

The BFD. Cartoon credit BoomSlang

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