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An Easy Way Out for Embattled Ardern

After the High Court handed the regime their collective arses regarding mandates for Police and the Armed Forces it should have been a wake-up call for them to stop illegally breaking the Bill of Rights Act. I hazard a guess that many business owners who put in place their own draconian mandates will have uttered expletives about their own predicament in breaching the Bill of Rights.

There will be many workers mandated out of jobs or forced to suffer illegal medical procedures who will be eying up that judgment and looking for retribution against uncaring bosses and businesses.

But lawyer Stephen Franks makes a sensible suggestion for the Government, and indeed business owners as to how they can start to extricate themselves from the problems they now face:

He’s right of course, but I suspect the regime will double down and do one of two things. They will either appeal immediately, and drag this on for as long as possible, or they will immediately launch retrospective legislation under urgency to extricate themselves from their predicament.

Both actions of course are the actions of bullies and tyrants, but that’s what they will do.

The tyrant, Jacinda Ardern, now having to run from protests wherever she goes, has stark choices, none of which have palatable solutions for her or her corrupted regime. Any and all choices, from announcing an end to mandates or appealing the decision, or rushing through ill-judged legislation, essentially hand victory to the protestors and those of us who stood strong and held the line against mandates.

As each day passes and it becomes more and more obvious that the vaccines have neither stopped people contracting Covid, nor prevented them from spreading the virus, the more apparent it is that the narrative is lost.

Negative efficacy is upon us. Even the CDC in the United States admits that vaccines aren’t preventing hospitalisations:

COVID-19 case and hospitalization rates increased among people who got a COVID-19 vaccine following the emergence of the Omicron virus variant, according to newly published data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

According to the data, which is submitted to the CDC by health departments across the country, the COVID-19 case rate in fully vaccinated people rose by more than 1,000 percent between Dec. 11, 2021, and Jan. 8, 2022.

Fully vaccinated refers to people who received two doses of the Moderna or Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines, or the single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The CDC doesn’t count a person as fully vaccinated until 14 days have elapsed from his or her final shot.

The case rate among those who also received a booster dose skyrocketed as well, rising some 2,400 percent between the same dates.

Epoch Times

This evidence makes a mockery of all the politicians slavering away imploring people to get boosted. Israel has also proved this to be true. What has been obvious for some time is that the more you boost the worse it gets.

And remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?

Well, that’s not true either. A new study out of Sweden suggests otherwise (at least in lab-grown cells).

The WHOLE narrative is crumbling. Ardern has often mocked people who suggested alternative paths, saying look at this country or that country as an answer to justify her concrete thinking and draconian policies that have beggared the nation.

Stuff headline

How will she now explain away that we now have a higher R rate then virtually any other country had despite being much more highly vaccinated than those countries, and also on a per capita basis we have had more Covid cases today than the UK had at its height of the Omicron spread, even though they were in the middle of winter while we are still enjoying summer?

It is so obvious now that despite promises to the contrary Ardern has failed. She failed to keep out Delta despite her self-claimed world-leading MIQ system. The same goes for Omicron. She failed to order enough RAT tests, after blocking private importations and then absconding with them. She has point blank refused to extend and roll out saliva testing. Now the whole testing regime is collapsing in on itself, and contact tracing has likewise collapsed. It is a long, long litany of failure.

Not working as well. cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

The reason that RAT tests aren’t freely available at pharmacies and supermarkets is two-fold, first, the regime doesn’t have enough of them and so are rationing them, and secondly, the regime doesn’t trust you to act in your own self-interest.

The regime should admit it has lost, and give up on the unlawful mandates. They won’t of course, they will cling to that last vestige of power like a drowning man clinging to flotsam.

End the mandates now. Then we can get on with living life and start to repair this broken nation.

It was broken by the regime and now the regime is broken too. They created the division, the hatred and the demonising of perfectly healthy people.

They conned the rest of the country into believing the unvaccinated were carriers of the disease and now the evidence shows that the vaccinated are increasingly catching and spreading and getting sick enough to require hospitalisation, against the obvious lies from Ardern, Bloomfield and all the other politicians who have claimed otherwise.

End the mandates now. It’s their only realistic option. The protestors have won, as have the unvaccinated. Some people have to pay for what they did. It is necessary for atonement to take place before we can start the reconciliation process.

End the mandates.

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