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An Experienced Emergency Dept NZ Nurse’s Story


New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out With Science

The NZDSOS Truth Project is an opportunity for health care workers and others to disclose what they are seeing since the rollout of the injections.

Please note: When asking for this information, we are aware that there are people who seek to discredit us and who have posed as people they are not (e.g. journalists pretending to be patients). We are trusting that those who provide this information are genuine and seek to share what is being hidden. We cannot guarantee that there are not some with ulterior motives providing false information. As doctors, our default setting is trusting people.

Covid injection harm.

I was terminated from my many years as a registered nurse in ED because I refused to take a mandated experimental mRNA injection. I won’t call it a therapy because it was evident from the people arriving at ED with multitudes of symptoms that this was not benefiting them; it was causing harm. Left-sided chest pain, chest heaviness, shortness of breath. Raised BPs resistant to treatment. Headaches. TIAs. Numbness in limbs, electric shock feelings. Shingles++. Molluscum contagiosum in adults. Recurring cellulitis despite IV abs. Rashes. Swollen oedematous lower legs and reduced renal function.

To this day I don’t think one single patient’s experiences have been reported to CARM by any clinician treating them at this facility. As a concerned nurse I would tell patients to contact their GPs or vax centre re their concerns and that they wanted to report their symptoms. If the treatment providers did not report it they or relatives could fill in their own CARM.

I also witnessed mottled bruising all over patients who were completely confused like a dementia patient, who had only become like this in the past one to two weeks. They had a remnant of awareness that they were confused but could not think straight. CBCs and blood cultures and urinalysis normal. I believe these patients had prion disease. One lady in particular had to be sedated she was so demented and later died.

I was accused of thinking everything was related to the vaccine to which I replied, “well you think nothing is.” In fact they were not even researching anything about the technology or its evident effects on populations overseas.

One doctor told me the trials had been completed already and it had been proven to be safe. It was stunning and extremely upsetting the complicitness and cognitive dissonance displayed by all medical staff.

Our hospital had a number of nurses leave. Some resigned and others were terminated. Several others wanted to resist the mandate but had financial commitments which saw them coerced into taking the shots.

This worldwide lockstep fear-based medical tyranny that has been inflicted on our populations is the largest crime ever exacted on humankind. I have nursed for many years and, although I was well aware of the faults with research/funding/published outcomes etc, I have become totally mistrusting of the political/medical/legal systems which are trying to control us with their totalitarian agendas. As evidenced by their actions the past three years.

I support a new holistic wellness centered health care system . Thank you.

If you are a Health Care worker Tell your story here.


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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