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Delta-Psychosis. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD.

Eighty thousand people will die, the expert warned with glee But he said “You can be saved if you listen to me”. So, listen we did, rooted with fear Knowing thousands of people might die last year. They told us don’t bother with masks, they don’t work But beware of that virus, wherever it may lurk. Don’t touch your face, don’t go near your friends If you don’t stay at home, you know how this ends! Many months later eighty thousand are not dead "Our wonderful leader has saved us" they said. Some good people died, but most of us live But as night follows day, the experts had more to give. "The virus is tricky", they told us "Take care" "We must lock down" when the threat is near. Deaths by suicide as people went mad Deaths with no hospital treatment to be had. The experts don’t care if your business goes bust Your job disappears or cancer eats you like rust. Your kids’ education doesn’t matter as much As locking down, masking, social distancing and such. The rules are made up by politicians on the fly And media are paid not to ask why. Experts produced numbers and graphs and spin To sell their tale "Experimental vaccines will win". It was an easy sell, reliant on fear The Prime Minister used that strategy very well last year.

Lockdown-Poll-results. Photoshopped image credit Pixy. The BFD

But possible long-term effects of the vaccine make us worry And the experts, as it happens, don’t like saying sorry. We could take our lead from those overseas But our politicians chose to ignore them, and do what they please. Except for the fear mongering, media were mute While pharmaceutical companies gather their loot. The root of all evil is money, they say, And that seems to be true now the vaccine’s in play. While overseas treatments keep people alive Our politicians refuse that small shallow dive. Doctors are silenced because if they speak out They’ll be struck off the register, of that there’s no doubt. But how long will it take for doctors to say "Sorry" "We listened to fear mongers instead of debating your worry". Our confidence in experts took a huge body blow Doctors must realise this, surely, they know? When we can’t trust the experts and their minions with no spine We won’t trust doctors either, further down the line. They say that eventually the truth will come out And it’s starting right now, of that there’s no doubt. Against the “deadly” Delta, Delta II and Mu This vaccine is useless to me and to you. It won’t hinder the spread or lessen the dead And lock down just keeps messing with the economy, our health and our head. So, how do you think this tale will end? How much more destruction can devious politicians, desk jockey experts and bent media rend?

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