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Photo by Adolfo Félix. The BFD

Geoff Parker

Open Letter To:

The Rt Hon Christopher Luxon, Prime Minister –

The Rt Hon Winston Peters, Deputy Prime Minister –

The Hon David Seymour, Leader of the Act Party –

The Hon Shane Jones, Deputy Leader of NZ First Party –

Dear Ministers,

I wholeheartedly support the Coalition Government’s focus on getting New Zealand’s economy back in a healthy state, and I appreciate that this will take time.

Unfortunately, not all Government members seem to recognise that their efforts on the economic front are being continually undermined by the disincentivising of race-based preferences and the tribal elite’s unaccountable and extortionate authority over many aspects of our lives. This legalised corruption is now threatening our status as a fair, innovative, first-world nation.

It would be prudent for a forward-thinking Government to place a moratorium on all race-based policies and preferences before more damage is done. My primary suggestions are as follows:

An immediate suspension of –

1. All private claims to our country’s foreshore and seabed.

2. All race-based wards and unelected representation on Local Government Councils and Authorities.

3. All decolonisation tactics, such as the demotion or removal of ‘European’ flora, fauna, statues and names from public facilities, parks, reserves, towns, and geographical features.

I urge you to introduce a moratorium on racial separatism, before it’s too late for the young to understand the community’s need for earned respect and mutual tolerance, for unity to ever be achieved, or for our democracy to be saved.

The fraudulent ‘Aotearoa’ will be a fully-fledged, dangerous, poverty-ridden, third-world mess. Please don’t let our country’s continuing slide into a racist quagmire be your legacy.

Yours sincerely
Geoff Parker


World Class Tosh

World Class Tosh

If Harvey and Taylor genuinely believe that a waterfront museum filled with mythological nonsense will spawn a massive change of direction, then the asylum beckons and probably straitjackets for them both.

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