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An Open Letter to the Prime Minister

person writing on brown wooden table near white ceramic mug
Photo by Green Chameleon. The BFD.

Dear Jacinda

Nowhere else have you or your government harassed protesters here in New Zealand in quite the same way as the protesters at Parliament were harassed. The fact that a helicopter is now hovering over the site and police, possibly with dog handlers, are now down on the grounds shows how you have turned New Zealand into a police state, and severely curtailed our freedoms. Why has that not happened on any other protest site since your rule as prime minister?

Is that because these people are getting international attention? More and more people are over all of this and are changing sides. You and your government are pushing this nation one step too far.

Why have you done nothing towards removing the people from the old airforce base over at Shelly Bay? Is it because they are not standing up against the mandates you so wrongly imposed on the New Zealand people, and used to destroy families, finances and their position in society?  Perhaps it is because they are not irritating Klaus Schwab? Funny how more people are becoming aware of the World Economic Forum and Young Leaders Enterprise now and are beginning to ask pertinent questions.

The more extreme measures you take, the more people will say ‘This doesn’t make sense anymore’.  You are waking them up with your behaviour.

If the protesters had rioted and been violent, you would have won New Zealand’s backing, but in spite of agents provocateurs infiltrating the group and creating mischief for the MSM to report on, the vast majority of genuine protesters restrained themselves despite serious provocation from the police. You hemmed them in, removed what you could in petty spite, and now are telling lies about them.

I vote a huge vote of NO CONFIDENCE in all Members of Parliament. You and they have all acted as superior bully boys who cannot descend to meet and listen to ‘the people’ who elected you all.

Yes Jacinda, many at Parliament grounds in Freedom Village did vote you ‘in’ last time. Your actions now smack of Hillary Clinton and her labelling of people as “deplorables”. You tell people to “be kind” but your actions are incredibly unkind.

The protesters did their very best to use their peaceful and united occupation to get you to listen to them. They amplified the voices that you need to listen to. The voices of the vaccine dead, the injured, the families being destroyed by your unjust mandates. Mandates that destroyed their jobs and careers. Mandates that cost them their houses because they can no longer pay their mortgages.

If you had only stopped to listen they would have told you about how your propaganda has torn apart families and destroyed marriages.

Instead, like your political twin Trudeau, you head a government that no longer answers to its people. You look down upon us and no longer seek to serve us.

In all my 70 years in New Zealand, I have not seen such a blatant power grab as you have demonstrated. I am just relieved that I won’t have to live in it for too much longer but feel so sad for the people who will, like my children and grandchildren. They are who I am fighting for.

History will not record your deeds fondly. You will be remembered as a tyrant.

I will no longer walk parliament grounds in tune with nature and I certainly won’t sit there anymore. I will be haunted by the police violence and the memories of what happened there.

To me the grounds now symbolise the harm caused to families by the unjust mandates thrust upon us by a government that has willfully and gladly ripped the nation apart with its deliberately constructed apartheid policies.

My heart goes out to all those New Zealanders whose voices are not being heard, to all those negatively affected by the vaccine, and to all those who have lost their jobs, their houses, their livelihoods, their mana, their families and their social positions.

I will never forget 2/03/2022 and what it represented.

SHAME on all those that walk the halls of the Beehive. SHAME on you for turning your back on New Zealand’s people. SHAME on you for deliberately dividing New Zealanders into us and them.

SHAME on you. SHAME!
