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An Opportunity to See for Yourself How Your Children Are Being Indoctrinated


A reader writes:

I have been so busy under lockdown with my work as a practice manager, homeschooling and also delivering essential services to new mums, that I haven’t had a chance to write a letter about Home Learning TV set up by the Government, but I feel it needs to be exposed for what it is:

  • Low-quality education
  • Environmentalist angle to science
  • So full of te reo to the point where my kids were getting lost following the math and the science lessons
  • Had the Topp Twins as guest readers
  • Books chosen reflected a particular agenda/worldview

And all that, I discovered after watching 4 classes!  If someone has the time to delve deeper, they may come to the conclusion that this is tantamount to governmental indoctrination of our youth by stealth. They have 100% control of the presenters, the content and the delivery method.

Insight Politics writer Lushington Brady recently touched on this very issue; except he was writing about Australia in his article entitled Teaching Children to Be Ashamed of Their Country. Parents Get an Accidental Glimpse of the Leftist Indoctrination in Schools.

Parents of Australian students forced to stay at home are beginning to see for themselves just what sort of stuff their children are being fed. As some are realising, educators are taking Orwell’s dictum that “who controls the past controls the future” as an instruction rather than a warning.

In both New Zealand and Australia, an unexpected consequence of the lockdown is that parents trapped at home are, for the first time, seeing up close and personal exactly what kind of propaganda their children are being indoctrinated with.

If you want to check it out for yourself the link is below.
