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And the Hit Jobs Keep Coming

Nurses for Freedom
Deborah Cunliffe

Dear Colleagues, Friends and Supporters

It’s been an interesting week so far and it’s still only Tuesday!  NFFNZ is apolitical however, at times like these it’s hard not to have an opinion!

Most of you will be aware of the latest offering from Stuff via their Beyond the Fringe series and the ‘Fire and Fury’ video. Unless you have a burning desire to watch this pure unadulterated government propaganda, we reckon save your data and watch a re-run of your favourite movie instead.

What is clear, is that this attempt to further destabilize the freedom movement has in fact misfired as Paula Penfold and Louisa Cleave are seen to do nothing more than use YOUR hard-earned tax dollars kindly donated to them by the Ardern government to produce substandard sensationalism masquerading as journalism at a time when, across the world, journalists are slowly starting to recognise that the vast majority of conspiracy theories just keep coming true.

The fact these two ladies and their team are going down this particular rabbit hole tells us they must be pretty desperate for something to write about especially considering that the HEALTH SYSTEM IS STILL IN CRISIS and HEALTH CARE WORKERS ARE STILL MANDATED.

As we understand it, ‘balanced’ reporting generally includes fair representation by those who stand ‘accused’ however, we figure Paula and Louisa must have missed that class in journalism school.

Meanwhile, they give our devout and openly declared Marxist leaders a free pass on all issues and policies.

It’s not the pro-choice and freedom groups who are perpetrating hate and ‘cancel’ culture, it’s the left of centre plus groups like FACT Aotearoa.

WHAT CAN WE DO?  Back to business…

We want the mandates dropped for the 1487 public health workers who were terminated, stood down or resigned. (Health NZ 11/08/2022 OIR).

Add to these the hundreds of Lead Maternity Carers, Non DHB staff, those terminated, stood down or resigned from Aged Care and Community Settings not covered by the OIR.

Then of course we must remember those who simply felt they had no option but to ‘retire’ or  ‘jump’ – alongside the newly mandated vax injured nurses and those all health care professionals now refusing to have the booster.


Unless the mandates are dropped prior, join us on Weds 31st August 2.30 pm at one of the sites listed on our website: and support our second National Nurses National Action.

Whilst emotions run high on the back of the tactics mentioned above, our objectives however remain clear. We are Health Care Professionals, our health system is in CRISIS and we want our jobs back. We want to support our sick and exhausted colleagues to fill the gaps created by covid, the flu and understaffing.

Our friendly national action will reflect our objectives and we will avoid messages and behaviour that do not support these no matter what untrue accusations come our way!

If you are able to financially support nurses who are struggling with travelling costs and to cover costs of banners/resources etc, or, with offers of work, we’d love to hear from you.

It’s been NINE months since we were terminated, stood down, resigned, jumped or retired. We hope it will not be too long before we are able to get back and serve YOU, our public.

A quick shout out to Rachel Mackay, Acting Director of the NZ National Immunisation Programme who reminded us in her response to our OIR that:

It is important to note that the Order was not intended to curtail New Zealanders freedoms, rights or health. Rather, it was introduced to protect vulnerable people from being exposed to severe illness following exposure to Covid-19.”

Sadly Rachel, a fail on both points.
