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Klaus Schwab Jacinda Ardern Great reset

Evil cannot create anything new, they can only corrupt and ruin what good forces have invented or made.

JRR Tolkien

Popular products still missing from supermarket shelves and school attendance and labour productivity below par: it’s the sick-note culture, as they’re calling it in the UK after the lockdowns, and there’ve been few signs of improvement in the couple of years since. I had to wait nearly three weeks to get an appointment with my GP in NZ; then, when I was to make a return visit the following week, he was off ‘sick’ too. The many restrictions imposed with the excuse that there was a killer virus were unacceptable even in our token democracy, but it’s the far more subtle and almost invisible aftereffects that I believe will have a lasting and deleterious effect, not only on the spirit and prosperity of our country but on the morale and morals of its inhabitants. Perhaps, as an informed conspiracy theorist would suggest, it’s all going as intended.

That administrative states continue pushing around the populations in the West in such a manner – ‘attend now for your umpteenth Covid booster shot!’ – is surely indicative of collusion at the highest levels of politics across political parties and national boundaries. Sadly, there was and still is no discernible resistance from anyone, let alone from the clergy and the judiciary or from the medical profession. The threat of discrimination and losing one’s job has brought forth, since the ending of lockdowns, a number of patently ridiculous notions that we are being forced – mainly on pain of being ‘cancelled’, fined or imprisoned – to accept.

Such notions, in no particular order, as:

  • A man is a woman if he says he is and vice-versa, despite the verifiable fact that men’s DNA provides the physicality necessary to cope with a lifetime of being the family protector and provider. But a man claiming to be a woman can now compete with sportswomen, who have substantially different, but complementary to men, attributes required for the reproduction of mankind. Any deviation from these stereotypes after hundreds of thousands of years of them getting us successfully to where we are now is like building a house, or a society, on sand.
  • On the questionable excuse of reducing our carbon dioxide production, all manufacturing is transferred to China, by laws that penalise the burning of coal and fossil fuels, despite China commissioning several new coal-burning power stations into service each year (thereby exposing the lies and hypocrisy of Western political leaders). And to add to the growing fearfulness of our populations – but apparently not of our politicians – this encouragement of the growing power of China and its military has also encouraged China to repeatedly express its intention of forcibly taking the thoroughly Westernised and independent island of Taiwan, a friend of the United States.
  • To tell a deluded, if not mentally ill, ‘furry’ child that comes to school that she’s a child and not a cat is ‘hate speech’, as is any objection to your country being flooded with immigrants from the Middle East and Africa.
  • Students with low IQs can, in theory, plagiarise someone else’s thesis to gain a PhD in subjects such as political science or perhaps “magic and the occult”, then can, through Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) policies and laws, become a university president patronised and eulogised by all the similarly qualified ‘liberal’ students with degrees in ‘gender’ and ‘communications’ studies.
  • It’s perfectly acceptable to completely block major highways in support of rogue states like Palestine: the San Francisco Harbour Bridge, the access to Chicago O’Hare Airport and the M25 motorway ring road around London. And police may threaten to arrest British Jews who might stumble cross the paths of “Free Palestine” protesters, instead of clearing the trouble-making protesters.
  • We are told the improvements in the quality of the life since the start of the industrial revolution in the 16th century is actually destroying the world. Overseas holidays are to be forbidden, populations need to be culled, carbon-based fuels eliminated, food production slashed, cows to be replaced by insect protein. The chosen few, the elites, are to be allowed the use of battery-driven vehicles and aircraft to go wherever they fancy. Very little of this, if any at all, happens in the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa). Since there is no real proof of man-made ‘climate change’, what’s the point?
  • To express an objection to uninvited visitors who settle in your country and benefit from a pleasant lifestyle provided by the native taxpayers, with a fair number of the ‘immigrants’ supplementing this unearned income by selling illegal drugs and by committing crimes that the police are reluctant to investigate, is somehow ‘racist’. Many immigrants have already infiltrated positions of power and authority in local and national politics and police in the countries of the West. Native cultures, hundreds if not thousands of years in the making, will soon be replaced by the Caliphate.
  • The dispute between Russia and Ukraine is somehow the responsibility of Britain and America to resolve in favour of the latter (by flooding Ukraine with armaments and ‘military advisors’), even to the extent, if necessary, of creating a nuclear holocaust. Meanwhile, to the detriment of their internal infrastructures and public services, the UK and US taxpayers continue to provide backhanders to their military industrial complexes supplying Ukraine. A lot of this tax money, many suspect, is ‘laundered’ back into the offshore bank accounts of the individual politicians who originally voted for its provision.
  • Supposedly democratic governments can, without discussion or warning, invent any excuse to close a country down, impose restrictions and coerce citizens into becoming laboratory rats for the trial of potentially lethal pathogens. And they may choose to hand this power over to a supranational body like the World Health Organization to implement whenever and for whatever excuse.
  • We are told supranational organisations like the UN and NATO are benevolently intentioned, when they actually have sovereign authority over many areas of member countries’ jurisdictions for the purpose of promoting an overarching world government. This shift of authority has never been put to the people’s vote.
  • Abortion isn’t the horrific and bloody murder of the most innocent and helpless of human beings, and euthanasia is promoted for altruistic reasons: these are important tools for reducing the population of the world. However, the gap between death as in a full-term abortion (and beyond?) and death by euthanasia at whatever age could conceivably be filled by the public execution – call it ‘involuntary euthanasia’ if you like – not necessarily only for murder, but also for ‘hate speech’ and ‘disinformation’. Life could become seriously cheapened.

Judges 21:25: In those days there was no king (or God) in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.” George Orwell

These are just a few of the changes that have taken place in Western society over the past few years and, like me, you can almost feel the shutting off our freedom to do anything, to go anywhere and make the best of and enjoy our life.

These are only the effects that are visible however. There are far more in number, subtle and long lasting, probably irreversible changes taking place under the surface like the misery and suicide that follow. The policy of DEI as embraced in schools and workplaces and promoted over the learning of the three Rs won’t produce happy, well balanced and educated engineers or creative adults.

Recent incidents involving Boeing aircraft have all been, rightly or wrongly, put down to the introduction of DEI into the process of selecting shop floor employees. DEI was apparently introduced subsequent to the merging of the Boeing and Lockheed corporations. United Airlines has apparently chosen a similar path for the selection of its maintenance and flight crews. Consider psychologist and TV personality Dr Phil’s comment on the result of the Covid lockdowns: “When you shut down the schools, the day you shut them down, you better have a plan for reopening them. I didn’t see a plan for them to be reopened. And we have an entire generation that is suffering from developmental gaps, educational gaps, mental and emotional challenges and still there’s not a good plan to close those gaps.” And consider the story of breast cancer surgeons being required to submit an acceptable “DEI” statement in applications for employment at the University of California at Davis.

There’s a problem in the perception of those politicians and their media henchmen: they obviously believe that all they have to do, in the face of any problem that might cause them trouble, is to have their PR hacks write a press release, or another wee law or fire up the dollar-printing machine.

I’m afraid that what we are witnessing is the continuation of the conflict that started with WWI in 1914 and was reignited again as WWII in 1939. Adolf Hitler brought the vision of the Third Reich which was supposed to last a thousand years when he assumed power in Germany in 1933. He then proceeded to extend the hegemony of Germany over neighboring countries despite the League of Nations (later the United Nations), which was founded in 1920 to supposedly prevent this kind of hostility. So I suppose it shouldn’t surprise anyone that Klaus Schwab, born in Ravensburg, Germany, and whose father was a contractor to the Nazis, should found the World Economic Forum (WEF) with its new name for the Third Reich: the “Great Reset”.

The tentacles of the WEF reach into the hearts and minds of Western politicians, and business people everywhere who, in mind if not in uniform, seem to have assumed the almost religious, crusading zeal of Hitler’s Brownshirts for the thousand year, if not everlasting ‘Reich’ of the “Great Reset”, almost 80 years after the failure the last attempt.

And once again they’re anxious for a fight with their old enemy, the Russians, who they see as standing in their path while they’re on their way to their “Brave New World”.

Meanwhile, the frogs relaxing in their pot of warming water remain blissfully unaware.
