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Andrew Bolt on the Avi Yemini Story

Stop Avi Yemini wrap up smear

While the New Zealand media sit on their hands pretending there is nothing to see in our story about NZ Police using Interpol to dig dirt on Avi Yemini, Andrew Bolt has featured the story last night in Australia on Sky News.

Andrew Bolt said that the plot, revealed by a leaked Interpol memo that confirmed NZ Police went on a fishing expedition to dig up dirt on Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini and independent journalist Rukshan Fernando, was a blatant attack on free speech.

For me the laws are there for a reason and if these laws are being used to spare a politician from having coverage of a rally she doesn’t like something very sinister is going on and the New Zealand press, I appreciate the reporter who raised that, should be red-hot about this,” Bolt said.

“This is not about who you like, this is about free speech and the misuse of state power.

Rebel News

Australian politicians have weighed in too:

Victorian Senator Ralph Babet has slammed the decision by New Zealand authorities to stop independent Melbourne-based journalists from entering the country to report on an anti-government protest.

Rebel News reporter Avi Yemini was sensationally banned from boarding his flight to Wellington last week while independent journalist Rukshan Fernando had his passport flagged at check-in and was subjected to questioning before being allowed into the country.

Babet said in a statement that the decision was action a ‘reasonable person might expect to see in an authoritarian regime’ and not from a Western democracy like New Zealand.

Journalistic freedoms must be protected. A free and open press is the foundation of a democratic, safe and stable society”, he said.

I call on the Government of New Zealand to review the actions taken in this matter.

Queensland Senator Malcolm Roberts echoed Babet’s words, calling on the NZ government to do better.

In response to the news of Yemini’s ban from New Zealand, the Senator said:

“What a crude, sloppy and dishonest attempt to control what the Kiwis can see and hear. What the world can see and hear”, he said.

“And always beneath control, there is … fear.

“Clearly, Avi, you’ve got them scared. Scared of the truth getting out.

“Honest reporting of events is fundamental to a democracy and to contests of ideas and to people’s expression in protests.

“What is the New Zealand government hiding?”

Rebel News
When will our media react? When will our politicians? When will the Free Speech Union?

This is a case of massive Police overreach and further politicisation of our Police force.

The Police for their part are playing games with OIA requests; this memo is easily to hand but they’ve told me they won’t respond to my OIA until 20 days elapse as required by law. This is contrary to what the law actually says in Section 15(1), which states:

as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 20 working days after the day on which the request is received by that department or venture or Minister of the Crown or organisation,—

(a) decide whether the request is to be granted and, if it is to be granted, in what manner and for what charge (if any); and

(b) give or post to the person who made the request notice of the decision on the request.

Official Information Act

They’ve acknowledged the request. The information is at hand, but they are refusing to supply the information until 22 September. That is not “as soon as reasonably practicable”; that is dragging the chain for as long as they can get away with it.

The Police have been caught pants down, and no amount of flannel or hiding from their obligations is going to change the undeniable fact that they’ve used Interpol to perform an act against Interpol’s constitution.

Kicking the can down the road for 20 days won’t make the story disappear, it just means the next phase starts in 20 days.

This Government has been caught out. The media have been caught out. It’s time for some honesty from both.

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