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Andrews Government to Be Investigated Under Its Own Laws

The BFD.

As I recently wrote, the horrorshow of the Victorian government’s hotel quarantine program may well blow up in premier Daniel Andrews’ face in a very personal way. The Victorian stands to be prosecuted under the draconian “industrial manslaughter” laws that Andrews himself enacted at the behest of his union mates.

All it needed was someone with deep pockets and a good lawyer to hoist Andrews with his own petard.

Yesterday, on behalf of Self Employed Australia, I wrote to the Victorian WorkCover Authority requesting them to investigate the Covid-19 hotel quarantine mess for possible breaches under the Victorian work safety laws (Occupational Health & Safety Act). Section 131 of the Act allows us to lodge such a request on the Authority who, under the Act must investigate and respond.

Victoria’s laws are the most far-reaching in Australia. Andrews’ big mistake when he enacted the laws was neglecting to insert a sneaky clause exempting government ministers and public servants from their own rules.

The Victorian government has pretty much admitted that the second Covid-19 wave outbreak happened because of the botched hotel quarantine mess in March. Hundreds of deaths have occurred following this.

If anything like this sort of scenario had happened in a private-sector business, we could be sure that a massive investigation would be undertaken by the Victorian WorkCover Authority. The investigation would look to see if prosecution should occur under the Victorian OHS Act, including application of the new manslaughter provisions. But the WorkCover Authority has done nothing over the Covid-19 disaster.

The Victorian government has established an Inquiry into the failures. However, all the Inquiry can do is write a report. The inquiry does not have the investigative and prosecutorial powers available to it that the WorkCover Authority has on OHS matters.

What we already know, so far, is damning of Andrews and his government.

The Victorian government had advance knowledge of the need for quarantine.

The Victorian Police, Corrections Victoria and the Australian Defence Force (ADF) have high level experience, training, capacity and authority in the area of detention.

The Victorian government requested ADF assistance, which was ready to go, but the request was withdrawn a day later.

The government instead used private security firms unsupported by either police, prison staff or the ADF.

The private security personnel on the ground in the hotels had neither the training, experience, skills, nor the authority to manage people in detention.

The Covid-19 outbreak followed.

Worse, it selected at least one private security firm on “diversity” criteria, even though that firm was operating on an expired licence.

Everything points to the probability of recklessness in the chain of command and control of decision-making related to the quarantines.

This Covid-19 outbreak is arguably the largest mass deaths event resulting from a workplace incident in Australia’s history. The Victorian WorkCover Authority has a statutory duty to investigate with a view to proceeding to prosecution if warranted. From all available information the Authority has done nothing.

The Authority is required under the Act to investigate and respond to us. If the Authority fails to undertake its statutory obligation under the Act, we will apply for a court to order the Authority to undertake the required investigation.

Andrews enacted his laws in order to get “bad bosses”.

It will be a delicious irony if his own laws get the worst boss of all.

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