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Ann Coulter: Afghanistan Has Had Its Chance

Just a peace-loving feminist. The BFD.

Recently, Tasmanian senator Eric Abetz published an op-ed arguing that, yes, contrary to the prevailing media narrative, Afghanistan was worth it.

Abetz pointed out that the war accomplished what it had set out to do: crush Al Qaeda and destroy its safe haven in Afghanistan. But he left dangling the likelihood that Al Qaeda is now being replaced by ISIS-K. As for the mission creep that led to a two-decade effort to build a modern democracy in Afghanistan, Abetz rhetorically shrugs and says, we gave Afghans “the opportunity to more open and free society”.

Which is the last thing that Afghans actually want, responds Ann Coulter.

All of America is supposed to be torn up about what one warring tribe will do to another warring tribe, in a country that’s been at war, more or less, for centuries.

They like it that way! Afghanistan consists of a medieval tribal society resistant to change. That’s their raison d’etre. Even under the helpful tutelage of American troops, our dear Afghan allies would not stop raping little boys. Naturally, given our obsession with cultural diversity, U.S. servicemen who objected to the buggery were cashiered out of the military.

As Coulter says, she was more pro the war than Donald Rumsfeld — so long as it stuck to its original mission of Al Qaeda-smashing.

Unfortunately, once we’d accomplished everything that could possibly be accomplished in Afghanistan, the war became a joint venture of the neocons and the feminists […] our new mission became: Bring gender studies and gay rights to a Stone Age culture!

In a repeat of their pre-2001 politicking, the mainstream media are running hot with horror stories about women being forced to leave the workforce and wear a tent outside the home. This, if anyone bothers to recall, is exactly the script the media ran the last time the Taliban were in Kabul.

But, as Coulter points out, the Taliban are merely enforcing Sharia law: and Afghans are just fine with Sharia law. According to Pew polling, a whopping 99% of Afghans — and that includes the ladyfolk — want to live under Sharia law.

Not that that is anything unusual with what Trump so un-diplomatically labelled “shit hole countries”. Women and girls are treated almost exactly as the Taliban do in many places around the world. Yet, Afganistan became the poster child for nation-building.

That failed. Spectacularly.

Afghans were totally down with women’s lib as long as we were bringing them cool stuff, like airplanes, buildings, toilets and electricity, which we did — or you did, taxpayer, to the tune of about a trillion dollars. Now we’ve left and they’ve happily gone back to their old ways.


And, once again, the media-feminist-neocon unholy alliance is not-so-subtly campaigning for Afghanistan 2, Taliban Boogaloo. Joe Biden is being rightly hammered for the unbelievable shit-show he made of the Afghanistan withdrawal. But the underlying sub-text of the media pearl-clutching over the “fate of Afghanistan’s girls” is: let’s get together and do it again.

Fool us once, shame on them. Fool us twice…

Safety first for women under the Taliban. Photoshopped image credit HangonaMin. The BFD.

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