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Another Attack by Men of No Particular Description

Just your average, lily-white neo-Nazis, clearly. The BFD.

Yet again, a group of “men” have been caught attacking Jews in the heart of London.

What sort of men? Don’t ask, because the BBC won’t tell you. But they will try and imply that they (or, “(((they)))”, as the Beeb might as well have written it) pretty much asked for it.

Images have been released of three men police want to speak to about allegations of anti-Semitic abuse directed at Jewish passengers on a bus.

A group was filmed approaching the privately hired bus on Oxford Street in central London on Monday.

Footage shows men spitting at the bus and apparently abusing passengers. Prime Minister Boris Johnson has described the video as “disturbing”.

Det Insp Kevin Eade said police were treating the incident as a hate crime.

In the video, which was posted on social media, a man seems to make a Nazi salute and others wave their shoes – an insult in some countries.

“Nazi salute”? Must be those neo-Nazi, white supremacists the mainstream media keep shrieking are everywhere.

But, hang on… “wave their shoes”? “An insult in some countries”?

Which countries, you may dimly begin to wonder. Well, stop it. You’re straying into dangerous territory, there, sunshine. You’ll be committing a “non-crime hate incident” before you know it.

A slur about Muslims can also be heard from inside the bus. The Met Police has said the incident will be looked at “in its entirety”.

Ah, well, there you go: them Joos just asked for it, didn’t they?

Or did they? I’ll admit that my hearing isn’t the best, but I strained to hear any “slur about Muslims”.

Even if true (and those on the bus have denied it) how does that even begin to justify the sort of vicious attack shown in the video? As The Australian’s Greg Sheridan comments, “Can you imagine if the group of abused children was any background other than Jewish the BBC straining so desperately to find some matching instance of prejudice from among the innocent victims?”

Sadiq Khan will no doubt tweet his sympathies to the Muslim community.

The BBC’s gross effort at victim-blaming also further raises questions of why they won’t describe the men involved in any way. What sort of men get angry about alleged anti-Muslim slurs? I’m sure nothing’s so apt to rile your average neo-Nazi as an insult at Muslims, after all.

Tania Cohen said she was disappointed by the police response.

She added: “They said they couldn’t do anything at the time because there was no actual violence that happened. That’s kind of ridiculous.”


Remember, British police will track you down if you post a “non crime hate incident” on Facebook, and jail people for putting bacon on a mosque’s door handles. But attack a bus full of Jewish kids and… eh, just move the bus along and stop wasting precious police time, Ikey-Mo.

Anyway, you can view the video of the incident below, and make up your own mind as to what description might best fit the “men-of-no-particular-description”.

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