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woman with silver and yellow hoop earrings
Photo by Caroline LM

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

Vivek Jain was a young dentist who died at age 37, in the week following his 2nd jab.

He was found dead at home when he failed to turn up at his dental practice in Matakana, on the 23rd of June 2021.

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As a front-line worker, Vivek Jain was compelled by his Dental Council via their “Guidance Statement”, issued jointly with the Medical Council, which mandated vaccination and prevented doctors – or rather most of them – from discussing the risks. It is unknown if he was a jab enthusiast although he did not get jabbed when it first became available for healthcare workers in late February 2021. The clincher seems that he was to be married in Australia the following week and needed the 2nd jab to travel for his wedding.

His clinic was growing, he was popular, with good social connections and he played cricket. He had everything to live for until his sudden death from a brain haemorrhage.

Just like after the suspicious (to us) death of rugby star Sean Wainui, “rumours” appeared quickly suggesting that Vivek Jain had committed suicide.

However, the police report deals with a long blood clot found protruding from Vivek’s nose, and there are first-hand accounts from the family friend who went to look for him. The senior policeman investigating described the cause as the young fit dentist’s “overall bad health”, or words to that effect, but not before stating that he had never seen anything like this appearance in his life.

It would be extremely unusual for any doctor to sign a death certificate in a case like this without knowing the cause of death so the coroner would have been informed. It is probable that Vivek had a CT scan – a so-called external PM – which showed a subarachnoid haemorrhage or intracerebral stroke (bleed or blockage).

Within a week his body was being shipped to India, to an uncle. He appears to have no relatives in New Zealand.

In our view, the sudden death of a (yet another) young, healthy, happy person just after the novel experimental gene therapy injection needs more than to be swept hastily under the magic carpet to India. There needs to be a full investigation which should include any input or interference from official sources in discovering the true cause of death. Since there wasn’t  – HE DIED FROM THE VACCINE, until proven otherwise. Just like so many others.

NZDSOS has seen post mortems that were done following vaccination-proximate deaths and in many the clear cause is not discovered, and the fact of recent vaccination may not even be available, or mentioned, to the pathologist and coroner. In this way, deaths from the jab continue to be hidden.

The life and death of Vivek Jain – along with thousands of others – must not be swept aside, and there are people who, to this day, are driving the vaccine campaign on, in the sure knowledge of more deaths to come. Since there is no lawful pathway to allow these deaths, a criminal investigation must come into play.
