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Another Hatchet Job on Morrison Falls Flat

Nikki Savva watches Scott Morrison get “put in his place”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Nikki Savva really doesn’t like Scott Morrison. We know that, because she never misses a chance to remind us.

Nikki was a huge fan of Malcolm Turnbull (remember him? Anyone?). Like many female journalists of a Certain Age, Nikki wet her “Depends” when Lord Turnbull of Wentworth ascended to his rightful place on the throne, over the corpse of that dreadful pretender, Tony Abbott. It was, Savva swooned at the time, a “glorious spring day, which ended in victory and euphoria”. Savva lauded Turnbull’s “most brilliantly executed plan” (which the rest of the country saw as “knifing the leader who trusted him”).

Oh, and Nik’s hubs worked for the Great One.

No wonder Andrew Bolt called her Turnbull’s “biggest media booster”.

Naturally, Savva has never gotten over Turnbull’s ignominious demise. She’s still gnashing her gums, every chance she gets.

Hence, her latest hatchet-job on Morrison — trying to defend Four Cornerslame “QAnon” hatchet-job effort.

Scott Morrison may be counting his blessings that he has not been here to face questions on a number of serious matters, but it would have been better for him if he had dealt with them before he left rather than leave them fester.

The only things festering are the maggots in the heads of the media-elite. None of these “serious matters” are of the least interest to the average Australian. Journalists, on the other hand, can’t stop obsessing over them.

There is the matter of the Murugappan family, which is only partly resolved. The very least that could be done has been done by allowing the family to reunite in Perth where four-year-old Tharnicaa is recovering from a serious illness.

No, the very least that could be done is to finally say “Enough!” to these grifters, stop them gaming the system at the taxpayer’s expense, and ship them back home.

The fact is while several Coalition MPs have publicly urged they be allowed to stay, there is ferocious opposition within the upper echelons of the government. It is reminiscent of the David Hicks saga, which ended with the Howard government eventually, after months of holding out, bowing to pressure from openly revolting small l-liberal voters in inner-suburban electorates and elsewhere to bring the alleged terrorist sympathiser home from Guantanamo Bay prison.

“Alleged terrorist sympathiser” is an odd description for a fellow who trained with Al Qaeda and who personally met Osama bin Laden, whom he described as a “lovely brother”. But it’s an interesting comparison: yet again, a tiny clique of bed-wetting liberals, terrified of upsetting the nattering doctor’s wives in their leafy, upper-class electorates.

But what really gets Savva going is the latest in a series of desperate hatchet-job attempts from their ABC. One so bad that even other ABC journalists have described it as “embarrassing the whole organisation”.

Then there is the matter of the Morrison family’s friendship over many years with a man who has recently become deeply immersed in the dangerous American conspiracy group QAnon.

The Australian

As one commenter noted, they were friends for years with a certain politician. The first time they knew he was a paedophile was when they read about his conviction in the paper. Guilt by association is a lame effort, even for the ABC and Nikki Savva, but they’re obviously going to flog this dead horse for all they’re worth.

Lastly, Savva tries to gloat that Morrison “had been put in his place by an American president”.

Really? Does she not remember how her pinup boy was treated by an American president? When Turnbull tried pontificating down the phone to Donald Trump, he was shouted at and hung up on. That’s being “put in his place”.

Joe Biden, on the other hand, doesn’t even seem to know where he is, let alone an Australian prime minister.

Besides which, Morrison has walked away from Cornwall in triumph. Australia and its stand against China was a major discussion point, with the G7 nations rallying in support. In personal meetings with the British PM, Morrison secured a highly-advantageous free trade agreement with Britain.

One suspects that that is what really makes the Nikki Savvas of the Canberra bubble spit up their skinny soy machiattos.

Nikki Savva watches Scott Morrison get “put in his place”. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

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