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Close-up Photo of Black Stones
Photo by Pixabay. The BFD.

Insanity, it is said, is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. In which case, we have to conclude that the Climate Cult is absolutely barking.

I mean, as if we didn’t know that already, but it’s one thing to see liberal arts undergrads throwing poo at war memorials and gluing themselves to priceless paintings, quite another to watch political leaders copy one another in pursuing the same stupid policies that have failed every time.

The WA Premier has admitted it is likely the state will be forced to import coal from New South Wales to keep its lights on over the coming years.

Well, strike me down dead, who could have seen that coming?

It’s not as if it’s already happened to Germany, Britain, California… basically, everywhere that’s fallen prey to the madness of “transitioning to renewables”.

Premier Mark McGowan said finding enough coal would continue to be a challenge as the state’s power grid transitions away from coal and closes its remaining coal-fired plants by 2030.

“We will continue to need coal until 2030 to keep the system operational,” he said.

And you’ll need it long after. If you don’t believe me, just look at “Energiewende” Germany. After years of bragging about their “transition” to renewables, “green” Germany is running out of electricity. In one of the grimly funniest twists of the whole Climate Cult madness, the Krauts are pulling down wind farms in order to dig up the coal underneath them.

You couldn’t make this stuff up.

Thousands of people in Britain face annual “energy poverty”, as power prices skyrocket due to renewables. “Heat or eat” is the grim choice.

California is begging its citizens to ration their electricity use.

Now, lucky Sandgropers will get to experience the California lifestyle.

The Premier’s comments came as the state government launched its plans to manage high power demand over what is expected to be a hotter-than-usual summer.

That will include text messages warning customers to reduce their power usage if their area is at risk of outages […]

An advertising campaign will also run to encourage people to reduce their power usage between 5pm and 9pm.

I mean, it’s not as if people are likely to be doing anything energy-intensive, like cooking, showering, or running the dishwasher, in that timeframe.

It comes nearly a year on from a scorching summer that overwhelmed the state’s grid, with 100,000 people affected by power outages over the Christmas period.

But, sure, just like socialism, it’ll work this time.

Mr McGowan said it was “likely” coal would have to be imported, probably from New South Wales, but with an “expectation” it would at least come from somewhere in Australia.

“There’s been issues with the companies in Collie providing coal to the system due to rain and some of the overlay on the coal fields and some equipment failures they’ve suffered from,” he said.

“So it’s likely we’ll have to [import coal] this year.”

He insisted those issues had nothing to do with the state’s move away from coal.

ABC Australia

Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.
