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Another Outbreak of the Madness of Virus Dictators

The virus is THIS scary! The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Have our politicians and bureaucrats gone collectively insane? Or are they just so hopelessly addicted to the absolute power they’ve seized, courtesy of the Chinese virus, that they will do absolutely anything to get another fix?

How else can you explain the madness that is sending public policy screaming into the snakepit? A single person infected with a virus that almost all of us will survive, most of us without any ongoing symptoms – and millions of people are precipitously thrown into house arrest.

This is not policy-making, this is lunacy. Lunacy and megalomania.

The Victorian government has imposed new statewide coronavirus restrictions after a hotel quarantine worker tested positive, but rejected the hardline approach adopted in Western Australia where two million Perth residents were locked down over a single case.

Statewide restrictions after a single case? If that’s not “hardline”, what is? The best you can say about Victoria is that it’s not as completely bonkers as WA – and that’s not saying much.

Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews announced late on Wednesday night that restrictions on gatherings would be tightened to 15, masks would be compulsory indoors again and planned increases to how many employees returned to workplaces would be delayed.

“This is one case. There’s no need for people to panic. There’s no need for people to be alarmed,” Mr Andrews said.

He said as he whipped up the panic to fever-pitch. Over a single case.

The virus is THIS scary! The BFD. Illustration by Lushington Brady.

Purely coincidentally, no doubt, Andrews is currently trying to push through legislation that will extend his “state of emergency” – granting himself and his cabal of unelected bureaucrats absolute, democracy-free, power – until at least the end of the year.

Of course I’m not saying that the case in question is fake – but then, neither was the Reichstag fire.

To further prove that the collective insanity of the political class, the politicians are once again resorting to the same blunt instruments that we know don’t work. Not just lockdowns, but the utterly failed, discredited practice of hotel quarantine – which is, surprise, surprise, the source of the latest infection that has the political Chicken Littles running around clucking that the sky is falling in again.

Victoria’s Health Department said it was investigating the hotel worker’s case and authorities were contacting all Australian Open players, officials and support staff who had stayed at the hotel in question, the Grand Hyatt, and informed them to isolate. As many as 600 people connected to the tournament will remain in isolation until they receive a negative test.

The Australian

In many European countries – the ones actually hit hardest by the Wuhan Plague, unlike our remote, sparsely-populated islands at the end of the world – they’ve had enough. There are mass demonstrations and riots from Berlin to Amsterdam. Italian restaurateurs – 50 000 of them – and their patrons have collectively declared, “Enough!” and have risen up against draconian restrictions. Police were sent scurrying from Milan eateries, as hundreds of diners chanted, “Liberty!”

The Italians have woken up to something that the rest of us seem to have forgotten: politicians only keep their jobs with the consent of the governed – and they can’t arrest us all.

This madness of the Virus Dictators has to stop.

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