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Another Socialist Performing Seal

The BFD.

I hurt myself this morning, my own fault of course. Any of you people, much smarter than me, will have said ‘don’t do it.’ You may in hindsight stretch to an entirely unsympathetic ‘what did you expect?’, and you would be right, but I went ahead and did it anyway.

Ever the optimist, I thought that the Human Rights Commission might have something useful to say about the extinction of our liberties during this wholly avoidable national emergency but, as you can guess, I was completely wrong. It was a waste of time, more than half an hour of my life I’ll never get back. I was given false hope by the “galoot-in-chief” Human Rights Commissioner Paul Hunt framing this period as a ‘human rights emergency’:

Apparently the saviour of our human rights, he is in fact just another socialist performing seal, clapping in anticipation of reward for all and any action of this stinky regime. To read the Human Rights Commission’s special Covid-19 response report is to recall the clips we watched as children of the endless applause ringing in Moscow auditoriums following a Brezhnev speech; the man having announced he’d found a paper clip or perhaps tied his own shoelace.

The report highlighted how one positive example of the Treaty of Waitangi being at the centre of the government’s response was the iwi and hapu-led checkpoints, carried out in the spirit of collaboration with police, council and civil defence.

What to say of a report that finds room amongst 10,000-odd words to mention ‘freedom’ twice, liberties not at all, but ‘tiriti’ seventy-five times? A report that talks of important minorities, but of the smallest and most vulnerable minority – the individual – you and me, we rate a mention only in the context “responsibilities on individuals to their communities”, the exact phrase repeated verbatim three times, the message clear: the soviet is more important than the comrade, the soviet is supreme.

It’s not totally without merit, there is humour:

“In Aotearoa New Zealand, the media deserve enormous credit for holding government to account during Level 4.”

But, take this fool’s word; don’t read it, you’ll only hurt yourself, your brain will end up bruised, like mine.

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