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Another Woke Troughocracy Eats Itself

It’s only fitting that Australia’s wokest network is housed in Australia’s ugliest “modern” building. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Ah, me, there’s no greater spectator sport than watching the left eat itself. If only they did it with their own money.

SBS is Australia’s taxpayer-funded “multicultural” broadcaster. Which means that it’s even woke-er than the ABC – and watched by even fewer people. SBS has long been nicknamed “Sex Before Soccer”, because the only reason anyone watched it at all was to catch a bit of Euro-titty action before soccer broadcasts.

Oh, and it had South Park for a long time, too. Exactly how that fit its “multicultural” remit is anyone’s guess – as much as why Australia needs two taxpayer-funded networks (three, if you count NITV, the “Aborigine channel”).

But SBS’s funniest offering right now is the Woke Hunger Games being fought out in its corridors and cafes.

Yes, folks: it’s the Multicult vs the Bourgeois White Left vs the Pale Urban “Indigenous”. Oops, I mean, “First Nations” (South Park isn’t the only thing SBS has slavishly appropriated from America).

When I started at SBS, the place seemed like a miracle. A truly unique TV network that heralded diversity and inclusion, the multicultural public broadcaster brought so many smart, passionate people together for a common cause – to shine a light on under-represented people and cultures on TV and online and give a voice to the traditionally voiceless.

I know, I know: this is all pretty standard, stomach-churning woke-ism – but trust me, it’s about to get funnier.

In 2017, a colleague and I were at our desks in the TV and online department, having a conversation about an interview I had done with Gurinder Chadha, the director of Bend It Like Beckham. Two other colleagues joined the conversation. I pointed out that she and I shared some heritage – we were both Punjabi (our families came from that Indian state; I’m also half Puerto Rican).

So, picture the scene: Sir Wokealot is flaunting his Intersectional credentials for all he’s worth. Picture the business card scene in American Pyscho, only played via ancestry.

“No you’re not, you’re American,” said one colleague, kindly erasing and explaining my cultural heritage to me. He then proceeded to tell a story about encountering the director in some unfavourable capacity. “She had that Indian thing where she was very rude,” he said[…]

I was shocked at how comfortable this person seemed while saying those things.

This is odd because certainly, Indian people are quite comfortable discussing how rude their countrymen can be. “Why are Indians so rude?” wonders one Indian blogger, who’s obviously internalised the white racism of an SBS office drone, or something.

Naturally, so woke an organisation as SBS can’t endure such ‘systemic racism’ in their ranks, so they’re upping their diversity quotas. Including appointing “Indigenous Elders” (who will almost certainly be whiter than thee or me… but I digress). Their job will basically be to hire as many other “Aborigines” as they can find in inner-suburban Melbourne and Sydney.

The message was clear: this place was not for people who looked like me.

The Age
Ummm… Sure, this guy stands out like a sore thumb in a room full of white folks. The BFD.

But is it really all whitey’s fault?

A former SBS journalist has launched legal action against the multicultural public broadcaster to get her job back after an independent investigation found she suffered workplace harassment and claims she was ultimately sacked for not being able to work under the woman who allegedly bullied her.

Journalist Pallavi Jain was hired by SBS in 2013 to work in the Hindi language team under executive producer Kumud Merani and made three complaints about her treatment before being sacked in December 2019[…]An external investigation in 2016, which is referred to in the Fair Work Commission, into Ms Merani’s conduct determined she had engaged in workplace bullying and harassment against Ms Jain.

The Age

Still, I’m sure it’s the white man’s fault. Everything always is.

It’s just a mystery why the wokest places always seem to be swamps of toxic bullying.

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