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Answers That Can’t Be Questioned

The BFD.

New Zealand has a new coalition Government. Clearly, they will bring back some sanity and common sense to a shattered country. Even so, 2024 is predicted to be a ferociously tough year and the backlash is likely to be ultra-strong from those who lost the election. For now it’s as though a few temporary road cones are blocking the Labour Party’s socialist agenda.

There is anger on the left knowing that, in the US, Trump is the frontrunner in the Republican race and, on the right, the anxiety that he will continue to be attacked from every conceivable angle to try to keep him out of office. It’s not all good out there, but the free thinkers won’t despair.

Covid has changed our world and given us cause to think deeply.

Tucker Carlson’s recent video about the WHO with Bret Weinstein, a PhD biologist and podcaster, is brilliant. See here

Weinstein masterfully spells out the COVID-19 response and ‘vaccine fiasco’, the depressing lies and corruption. It is not at all surprising that the interchange between these two is significant, timely and attracting millions of views around the world. The biologist praises the critical thinkers. He recognises that they did not buckle under enormous pressure, even while they were being guilt-tripped, threatened, punished, censored, or even mandated out of their employment. This is heartening and encouraging for Kiwis who have not bought into Ardern’s relentless negative message.

Best of all, he sees those who stood against the left’s powerful Covid agenda as a ‘Dream Team’. Fear was never their thing. It takes a calm mind to analyse the all-invasive nonsense ‘propagandised’, and then to have the guts and fortitude to watch the sucked-in masses pull away from you. It was obvious the vaccine passports and traffic light system were not there to stop transmission, but to push the uptake of the ‘vaccine’. Free thinkers or critical thinkers cannot be bought or easily hoodwinked.

Weinstein declares they are everywhere and are the kind of people you want on your side.

He thankfully finishes on this optimistic note:

… we greatly outnumber those we are pitted against. They are ferociously powerful, but I would also point out this interesting error. So I call the force that we are up against Goliath, just so I kind of remember what the battle is. Goliath made a terrible mistake. And it made it most egregiously during Covid, which is, it took all of the competent people, took all of the courageous people, and it shoved them out of the institutions where they were hanging on. And it created, in so doing, the dream team, created every player you could possibly want on your team to fight some historic battle against a terrible evil. All those people are now, at least somewhat, awake. They have now been picked on by the same enemy; and yes, all right, we are outgunned. It has a tremendous amount of power, but we have got all of the people who know how to think. So I hate to say it, or maybe I like to say it, but I don’t think it is a slam dunk, but I like our odds.

He sums up his thoughts with exactitude, intelligence, and extraordinary fortitude. He explains the dastardly plans the WHO has for us. Weinstein’s final wrap-up will probably change the trajectory of critical thinkers, how they see themselves and where they go from here. Like Weinstein, they too could not look themselves in the mirror if they chose the easy way and went along with the lies.

Critical thinkers will not let fear shut down their ability to reason.

The numbers are debatable. Perhaps a third of Kiwis decided the official narrative did not even pass a sniff test, let alone any analytical thought and assessment.

Critical thinking has been described as an ability to question; to acknowledge and test previously held assumptions; to recognize ambiguity; to examine, interpret, evaluate, reason, and reflect; to make informed judgments and decisions; and to clarify, articulate, and justify positions.                                                                                      

Hullfish & Smith

The pushback from critical thinkers is well underway. They are already strong. They have found podcasts and blogs. They have stepped away from the tyranny, so are ready with their expertise to ‘fight’ against the evils of the ‘Goliaths’ who will continue to intimidate, frighten, and control the world’s population.

The left underestimated us and will hate us even more for our influence. The annoying competent ‘dissidents’ are not denying the hurt, rejection, and unfairness, but are we scared? Never.

Stay alert, analyse, and share the truth.

I’d rather have questions that can’t be answered, than answers that can’t be questioned.

A recent quote from a real scientist, Dr Willie Soon.
