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Anti-Israel Academic Trolls Released Iran Hostage

Iran hostage and Australian Academic Kylie Moore-Gilbert. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Tim Anderson is a hard-left academic. Naturally, Anderson is fervently opposed to Israel.

Equally naturally, Anderson found a long-time academic home at the far-left University of Sydney. USyd has an unenviable reputation for left-wing anti-Semitism. Another USyd academic was filmed at a “protest”, screaming abuse and waving money in the face of an elderly Jewish lady. The University’s student newspaper has published editions lionising a Jew-killing Palestinian terrorist as a feminist icon on its front cover.

But Anderson’s dedicated hatred of Israel went even too far for USyd. In 2018, he was sacked for showing students lecture slides including an image of a Nazi swastika superimposed over the Israeli flag. Anderson had already drawn fire for defending a colleague wearing a “Death to Israel” badge.

Being banished by even the hard-left fringe of academia has done nothing to dampen Anderson’s Jew-hatin’ zeal. When he’s not gibbering insane conspiracy theories about “Washington’s latest fabricated war propaganda campaign, the Uighur Genocide Scam”, Anderson is busily trolling the imaginary enemies of the world’s leading source of anti-Semitism.

An Australian academic who spent 804 days in one of Iran’s toughest prisons on trumped-up spying charges has detailed abuse by an obsessive troll.

Kylie Moore-Gilbert, who was released by Iran in a prisoner swap deal in November, was accused of being an Israeli agent several times by Tim Anderson, who was sacked by Sydney University in 2019.

He in February labelled Ms Moore-Gilbert an ‘Israeli zealot’, claimed she had ‘military and leadership training in Israel’ and the government and ‘war media’ lied about her.

Timbo is not just any old Jew-hater, he’s an ardent supporter of Iran’s closest ally, Syria.

“Jews – amirite?” Tim Anderson hangs out with a pal. The BFD. **Not an actual quote
Dr Anderson met with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad several times and is a well-known ‘anti-imperialist’ who often posts material in support of the Syrian regime on social media.

He has plenty to say about Dr Moore-Gilbert on social media, implying the spying charges were true despite being widely discredited[…]

Dr Anderson made and repeated claims including that she helped organise ‘repeated terrorist murders’, and went on ‘missions’ to spy on the Iranian nuclear program.

But, as Moore-Gilbert says, Anderson is just the tip of the free-floating iceberg of excrement that is academic idiots supporting authoritarian regimes.

On Saturday, Dr Moore-Gilbert slammed Dr Anderson in The Weekend Australian, as ‘a mouthpiece for these regimes’, who was ‘doing his job’ by promoting them.

‘It’s not just him; there’s quite a few useful idiots in Western countries who are happy to do a deal with these guys,’ she said […]

Dr Gilbert-Moore is understood to have blocked Dr Anderson on social media and some of his more ‘aggressive’ followers, who also abused her.

He is followed by 30,000 Twitter accounts.

Timbo has quite the history, by the way. In the 70s he was a member of a fringe loony “eastern religion” sect, the Ananda Marga. The group was implicated in the 1978 Hilton Hotel bombing in Sydney. Anderson was convicted but acquitted on appeal. The state declined to pursue a re-trial.

Dr Anderson denied he was a troll, but was tweeting about Dr Gilbert-Moore ‘because the corporate media, including The Aust­ralian, have been making this false argument there was no evidence about her being recruited by Israel — that’s not true at all’, he said.

Daily Mail

Ah, yes: blame the Jews and the “corporate media”. It’s not like we’ve heard a song or two from that particular, odious hymn book before.

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