One of the most fraudulent and self-serving myths peddled by academia is that their ivory towers are unassailable bastions of enlightenment of tolerance. In fact, the academy is not only as susceptible as any other institution to intolerance and bigotry – it’s often at their leading edge.
As Thomas Sowell points out, a growing pool of newly educated ‘intelligentsia’, almost entirely graduates of the ‘soft’ disciplines, almost always becomes a focal point of social unrest. With no marketable skills and limited employment opportunities, these people form a class of ‘over-educated and under-employed’ – and they need someone to blame.
People visibly more successful than they are: invariably, Jews.
Before WWII, members of this ‘intellectual proletariat’ in Central Europe – teachers, lawyers, students and graduates – became the footsoldiers of anti-Semitic authoritarianism. When the Nazis seized power, university students were just as often Brownshirt bootboys as any lower-class rabble. Through the 1920s, proto-Nazi student groups dominated student politics, consistently gaining 60 to 70 per cent of votes.
Anti-Semitism is once again rearing its ugly head on campus. Despite unconvincing denials from its vice chancellor, video of an Australian National University student union meeting clearly showed participants performing Nazi salutes and mimicking Hitler moustaches. A so-called ‘anti-racism’ conference at Queensland University of Technology degenerated into anti-Semitic chaos.
A Jewish academic who attended the National Symposium on Unifying Anti-Racist Research and Action was left rattled on Friday after other delegates stood and shouted “shame’’ in his direction over the leaking of a cartoon the day before that had mocked “Peter Dutton’s Jews’’ […]
Education Minister Jason Clare has been forced to intervene in the growing row over the slate of anti-Israel activists leading the symposium, and a Labor-led parliamentary inquiry on campus anti-Semitism is considering calling QUT leadership to testify publicly.
The symposium – which included senator Lidia Thorpe, Macquarie University academic Randa Abdel-Fattah and author Sara Saleh – has enraged the nation’s Jewish community.

Abdel-Fattah was exposed last year, coaching small children to chant ‘intifada’ slogans and other anti-Semitic slurs. Thorpe is a notorious racist who was ejected from a Melbourne strip club after screaming abuse at ‘white cunts’ (somewhat ironically, given her own melanin-challenged visage).
Associate Professor Yoni Nazarathy, who lectures in artificial intelligence at the University of Queensland, became teary as he spoke of the “public humiliation’’ he had endured at the end of the conference.
“They stood up and they all yelled ‘shame’ in unison,’’ he said.
“It was a co-ordinated humiliation. All I could do is sit there and try to exit respectfully” […]
Professor Nazarathy said he had initially believed people at the symposium would not have advocated violence.
He hasn’t been paying much attention, then.
The Queensland academic behind a controversial university conference dominated by anti-Israel activists urged people to act against hundreds of Jewish Australian creatives and isolate them, just days before it was revealed they had been targeted in a mass doxxing.
The Queensland University of Technology Carumba Institute’s executive director, Chelsea Watego, said on her radio show last February that a WhatsApp group leak of over 600 Jewish creatives was “worth a read … and of course we should be doing something about it”.
“Something” being…?
Watego, as it turns out, has plenty of form when it comes to racist abuse.
She lost a racial discrimination complaint in 2022, which she lodged after her arrest in 2018 outside a nightclub where she drunkenly called police officers “white c..ts”, the Courier-Mail reported at the time.
She was charged with obstructing police and failing to leave a licensed premises. The charges were reportedly dropped and she instead pleaded guilty to using obscene language in a public place and was fined $80.
Which is just the sort of pat on the wrist that these racist thugs take for encouragement (because it is).
The obvious question, though, is how such obvious virulent racists can call themselves ‘anti-racist’? As always with the left, the answer is only clear when you understand how they twist and subvert language.
These credentialled dimwits are ruled by the twisted ideology of so-called ‘Critical Race Theory’, a neo-Marxist ideology which views everything through the lens of race. As obsessed as any other Marxists with power, CRT posits that power is inherently racist. Given that only whites (in their bizarre worldview) possess power, ‘white’ and ‘racist’ are synonyms.
So, when they call themselves ‘anti-racist’, what they really mean is ‘anti-white’. Having relegated Jews to the ‘white’ silo, it therefore follows that Jews are ‘racists’, and ‘anti-racists’ are necessarily anti-Jewish.
Such is the vicious, deranged, world of modern academics – and so, once again, the universities are at the leading edge of anti-Semitism.