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Anti-religious Census Group Endorses Satanism

When you’re the Prince of Darkness, but you still live in Mom’s basement. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

As I’ve written for Insight over the past few weeks, the decline of Christianity has left a gaping hole in the spiritual heart of the West. Worse, the blind hatred of fashionable for Christianity is opening the door to some very dark forces.

The Australian Census is running tonight – and as has happened every five years for the past few Censuses, the porch atheists are on the warpath – and they don’t care who they side with, so long as it’s not Christianity.

One of the leading voices behind the campaign urging people to mark “No Religion” on the 2021 Census has praised the principles of Satanism as “fantastic”, “progressive” and “sensible”[…]

“If anybody hasn’t actually read the principles of Satanism, they’re fantastic. They’re very sensible. They’re very secular, they’re liberal, progressive, all sorts of nice things. So, go Satanists,” Meredith Doig said.

It’s important, of course, to understand exactly what’s being discussed here – because, clearly Doig doesn’t.

Doig is obviously referring to the Temple of Satan, as opposed to the Church of Satan, founded by the late Anton La Vey.

The “Temple of Satan” is a “non-theistic religious group” which promotes “social justice”. It’s basically a collective of limp-wristed soy-boys and permanently pre-menstrual land-whales, play-acting at being bad-asses. It’s a Pride Parade decked out in Hot Topic black tshirts instead of rainbow flags.

A typical meeting of the Temple of Satan. The BFD.

To their credit, at least, the Temple of Satan are also free speech absolutists: co-founder Lucien Greaves states that “free speech is essential to democracy…the freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend”.

Yet, for all that it claims to oppose all theistic religions, it’s glaringly obvious that the Temple of Satan solely attacks Christianity. Despite decrying “homophobia”, the ToS never seems to criticise, say, Islam, for its violent homophobia.

For all their posing and black eyeliner, it’s plain that the Menstruals in Black will never dare criticise a religion that might hit them back.

Homelessness, Social and Community Minister Michael Sukkar, who has oversight of the Census rollout, took aim at Census21, saying the revelations were unsurprising.

“It’s probably not surprising that those pushing the ‘no religion’ campaign are wildly supportive of Satanism,” Mr Sukkar told The Australian. “I suspect Australians will pay no attention to these strange fringe dwellers”[…]

Australian Christian Lobby national director Wendy Francis described the Census21 campaign as “out of step” and “out of touch” with “everyday Australians”, designed to “marginalise and exclude” people of faith.

“The ‘tick no religion’ campaign is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. The ‘no religion’ campaigners love the principles of Satanism, believing that it advances their causes. It reveals an out of touch agenda meant to marginalise people of faith in this country.”

But only people of one particular faith.

The atheists are pitting all their efforts into attacking Christianity and trying to push “cultural Christians” into denying any allegiance to the foundational faith of the West.

Other religions are nowhere near so easily cowed.

Australian Federation of Islamic Councils President Rateb Jneid encouraged all Muslims to “faithfully express their faith” on the Census.

It’s difficult to find precise data on, say, mosque attendance, but it seems fair to say that Muslim Australians are generally more devout than the general community. A great many more of “cultural Muslims” would certainly not hesitate to declare their faith on the Census — and good for them.

But, when some groups are not backward about coming forward, while others are bullied into silence, does that create a true picture of Australia?

Catholic Archbishop of Sydney Anthony Fisher said the campaign was “misleading”, saying the push would “distort” the true picture of Australia […] “And by giving a distorted picture of who and where we are, the secularists hope to use the census as yet another excuse for denying believers a voice in the public square.”

The Australian

Little by little, Australia’s Christian identity and heritage is being marginalised and bullied into silence.

It might be worth paying attention to what will take its place.

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