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Apparently We Don’t Yet Know What The Facts Are

At the launch of of the research vessel Boaty McBoatface Sir David Attenborough, the man himself said:

We are only going to deal with it [climate change] if we know what the facts are.

TVNZ One News

The oracle himself, Sir David, says we don’t yet know the facts. Is it not a little strange that they are spending all that money on a research vessel to find out what the facts are when we all know that the ‘science is settled’?

One million steel parts.  How were the steel parts made?  Equal parts fairy dust, unicorn urine and dodo feathers?  Probably not. Lots of heat from ‘fossil’ fuels and good quality coal.

Naturally, the 60,000 litres of paint would all be organic, waterbased and eco-friendly. The pigments would have been hand-ground by the native women of Myanzibar from the bark of the eco-sourced sustainably grown muszbat tree.  Or did they simply use the nice convenient petroleum based paints from the local marine supplier?

Clearly they could not allow the wiring to short out so each of the 450,000 m were shielded in hand spun and manually woven fabric sheathing, an ancient traditional method used by the herdsmen of the Botsgrandy Plains.  Or maybe they found that using cables with petroleum-based plastic insulation was just a tad more convenient?

Go and do Arctic and Antarctic research by all means – you may learn the truth that the world is not melting. But don’t use all the advantages of our modern, advanced, petroleum-based lifestyle whilst railing against it.  Hypocrites.
